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~~Brooklyns pov ~~
After are little dance party we dared each other to do funny things because we were so bored. "Ok you go first" I said to him. "Alright give me a dare" he said with excitement. "I dare you to run down the hall way only in your boxers when the bell rings in 2 minutes" I said with a smirk. "Brooke I can't do that"he said trying to backout. "No backing out a dare is a dare"I said. "Fine"he said taking his clothes off. "Wo wo work it babe" I said laughing at him. He just blushed and rolled his eyes. "I hate you" he said jokingly while laughing. "Go get'em tiger"I said slapping his butt. "Ayye would you quit slapping my ass"he said turning around laughing.We went out of the boy's dorms and to a hall with classes in it we waited around the corner then the bell rang and Joey skipped down the hall like a kid in a candy store. I can't begin to tell you how many hilarious reactions he got. I was on the floor crying. Then once the second bell rang he ran back over to me and we ran back to my dorm. I was still laughing about how stupid he looked skipping around the hall in his boxers. "I'm never doing that again" he said laughing out of breath. "Alright your turn"he said putting his clothes on. "Bring it on" I said while raising my eyebrow. "Ok I dare you to go in the bathroom while a boy is in there and wet a paper towel and throw it on him"he said while smirking. "BORRING"I said. "Alright anything better?"he asked. "How about I get pop it's throw them on him then squirt him with a water gun"I said with an evil grin. "Perfect" he said while nodding. "Alright I'm gonna get my pop it's and water gun"I said looking through a box. "Ok and I'll be enjoying my view"he said. "Knock your self out"I said.
Joseph Trotta quit staring at the booty
"Alright so I found them what's the plan?" Btw if you don't know what pop it's are there those little things that pop when the hit the ground there tiny little fireworks. (Great description).
"Ok so when you get in there you wait in a stall and I'll signal you when by whistling"he said. "Yeah but what if he doesn't go to the right one. I'll just tell them that they all don't work but that one stall"he said. "What if they don't buy it?"I asked. "Well then will just wait till someone gets the right stall"he said. "What do we do after I got them?" I asked. "Run to the nearest corner and wait for a reaction because he won't get up that fast the only reason there on the toilet is to take a shit" he said. "You always come up with great plans"I said smiling. "Well your my partner in crime"he said taking my hand. And with that we went to the nearest bathroom."alright go go" he said opening the door quickly . " make sure no one can see your feet ok" he said shutting the stall. I sat with my feet on the toilet seat and in my hands I had about 20 pop it's and my water gun in the other. I just sat waiting for Joeys signal when all a sudden I heard the door to the bathroom open. I could hear Joey talking to someone now. "Hey uh those ones don't flush that one works though. I could hear some guy open the stall and shut it. Oh god it's about to happen. I kinda started getting nervous a little ,what if I fuck up. But Joeys signal broke me out of my thoughts. It's show time. I stood up slowly and quietly to see what I was dealing with. Some kid that looked younger like maybe in the 9th grade was sitting in there. Poor kid but oh well I threw my pop it's down. "Ow what the fuck!" The kid said. "Then I squirted him. "Hey cut it out" the kid said. I got out of the stall and ran out with Joey we were laughing so hard the kids voice was hilarious. We stood around a corner and waited for him to come out the bathroom. He came out mumbling about something looking around. Joey and I just laughed. "Man you got him good babe" Joey said high fiving me. "I was worried it was gonna be Mj or someone we knew" I said while laughing. We went back to my dorm and we kept on imitating the kids voice it was so funny. Eventually it was dinner time so I got into some comfy shorts and a one of Joeys shirts. I don't know what it is about wearing a guys clothes but it just feels way better than regular girls clothes.

//skipping dinner//

~~joeys pov ~~
Billy,Brooke and I were walking back from dinner and as we were walking back I had just remembered that Brooke and I skipped detention. "Oh well we probably will just get a week of pots and pans a though it's gonna suck ass but at least Brooke will be there plus were skipping tomorrow but sense the guys are gonna cover for us we most likely won't get caught. "Night brookie and I'll remember to cover for you tomorrow" billy said going in our dorm. "Good night and thanks"she said to him. It was just me and Brooke in the hallway now. "So come and get me so we can go take showers"she said while kissing me. "Yup"I said kissing her back. "Alright goodnight love ya" she said opening her door. "Love you too ,goodnight"I said going into my dorm. I got in pjs and laid in bed thinking about the surprise I had for Brooke tomorrow I can't wait it's gonna be a lot of fun.

~~Brooklyns pov ~~
As soon as I went in my dorm I went to my computer to see if Vanessa wrote back. Oh yaay she did.

Dear Brooke,
Hey Brookster sounds like Regis is full of babes. I wish I could see you. It sounds like fun there ,way better than boring Johnston high. Maybe one day I'll come to visit it you. Miss you lots


Man I wish she could come here. But then they would have to start excepting girls. Which wouldn't be fun not being able to be the only girl in school. I turned my computer off and layed clothes out and my shower stuff for tomorrow and went to sleep.

Sorry this chapter wasn't exciting as I said it was going to be. But tomorrow for sure I promise it will be a whole lot better because Joey has something fun planned for Brooke tomorrow. But you know like always thanks for reading ✌️😊

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