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~~Brooklyns pov~~
All of us were in line for dinner. Tonight we had corn dogs for dinner. Yum. "So how was your day guys?" Billy asked. "We had a lot of fun" I said. "Yeah it was great" Joey said. " where's my donuts?" Hank asked. "Uhhhh...well I kinda spent it on in&out for lunch"Joey said. "Oh come on"Hank said looking disappointed. "I'm sorry we had to eat lunch"Joey said. "I was waiting all day for those" Hank said throwing a ketchup packet at Joey. "Man I'm sorry I'll pay you back" Joey said trying to convince him. "Alright" Hank said. After all of that we went to the table and ate are food. "So tell us what you did today" snuffy said being nosey as usual. "Why don't you tell them Brooke" Joey suggested laughing a little. "Well first we went and got Joey a camera then we went and got breakfast at janes coffee next we went to the mall and went shopping for each other but we had to leave right after because Joey spotted my dad so then we went to this place with an open field and a lake it was so beautiful since we got hungry we went to in&out and got cheese burgers, French fries, and a coke" I said leaving out the special moments because I know the boys would act immature. "You guys like Brooke's outfit" Joey said flipping my collar. "Show'em  babe"Joey said. "Tada"I said spinning around in a circle. The boys whistled and complemented me. "Joey you know if you keep on dressing her up like that she's gonna have even more boys on her" billy said. "Nah it's alright I'll he'll just beat the shit out of who ever looks at her"snuffy said laughing. "Yeah don't forget it"Joey said pointing to snuffy. "Plus she has 4 bodyguards" Ricardo said. "What about Joey that makes 5" Hank said. "No Joey is the boyfriend he automatically has the job" Ricardo said. "True"billy said. "What did you get Joey?" Snuffy asked me. I looked at Joey and he had already known what I got him. "Well I got him the same thing just with a black shirt and a dress up shirt"I said laughing. "Aw you guys can be twins"billy teased. "Yeah greaser twins" Hank added laughing. "Whatever" Joey said laughing. " your gonna love the second outfit I got you" Joey whispered to me. "Can't wait I'll wear it tomorrow"I said back to him. "Well we should get going now I have to finish brookies essay" Hank said. "What essay?"I asked. "Today in English we have essays due tomorrow"Hank said. "Oh Hank you don't have to" I told him. "You have no idea what it's about plus I'm finished with mine so I'll do it for you" Hank insisted. "Thanks Hank"I said. "Anything else we missed?"Joey asked. "No the rest of your classes you have an excuse" the boys told Joey and I. "Ok thanks guys" Joey said. "Yeah thanks"I said. We all left and went to are dorms. "Goodnight brookie" Joey and billy said. "Good night"I said as I kissed joeys cheek. I went on to my computer again to talk to Vanessa.

Dear nessa,
       Hey what's up? So what's the update on school? And does James still talk about me?if he does tell him to go to hell. Thanks. And also try to come and visit me this weekend I can introduce you to some boys. Miss ya lots


And then I changed out of my clothes and opened up the bag of clothes Joey got for me to see the outfit he got. It was this super cute skirt with this green leave pattern all over and a white button up shirt. How cute. Maybe Joey should go shopping for me more often. I put the outfit on my dresser with my shower stuff. And put on the oversized shirt on that Joey got me and laid on my bed. I haven't drawn in a while so I decided to open up my sketch book and draw Janes coffee shop. I liked that place it was cute. And they had some kick ass chocolate chip pancakes.

Hey guys I'm thinking about writing a new story. But don't worry I am going to still update this story. Maybe I should come up with something different to say. But for now like always thanks for reading ✌😊

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