~~Billy's pov~~
"So guys guess what" I said eagerly. "What?" The boys all said in sync rolling there eyes. "You know how we played truth or dare last night" I said. "Yeeeah?" Snuffy said. "Well it was really a plan for Joey and brookie to hook up and it worked " I said with a grin. "Nice" Ricardo said giving me a high five. "Well good for them I'm getting breakfast"Hank said getting up. "Me too" Snuffy said. We all got in line for food. I'm actually really hungry today so they better have waffles today. And they did. Hallelujah! I could see the boys putting 5 pounds of syrup on their waffles. Just as I looked up to see Joey and Brookie hand and hand. I don't know why I love their relationship so much. I just think that Brooke fits Joey so well and I can tell they love each other a lot. Just to see Joey in a good mood makes me happy for him.
I sound so stupid right now. I sound like a mom. But hey who gives a shit. They walked over to the line for breakfast. While Hank,snuffy,Ricardo and I sat down eating our food.~~joeys pov~~
"Yes,they have waffles today" I said. "Are they really good?"Brooke asked. "There are probably the best breakfast food they have here" I said grabbing 2 of them. Brooke grabbed one. I noticed she doesn't eat that much all the time which worries me that she's not eating enough or maybe just worrying to much. "Brooke take two there really good "I said trying to persuade her. "Ok" she said while smiling. We walked to are usual table and ate.~~Brooklyns pov ~~
We sat at the table to see the boys had already finished there food. I took my schedule out to look at what I had first although I already knew I just wanted to see it again." Is that your schedule?" snuffy asked as usual."yeah" I said handing it to him. He looked at it then told me what classes he had with me. "So I'm in all your classes besides art and music. "Ok"is all I said but I was happy I wasn't going to be alone. Then Hank looked at it. "I have math and English with you"Hank said. Then Ricardo looked at it. "Gym is all I have with you" he said handing it to billy. "I have art and science, Then Joey handed it to me. "You already know my classes" he said putting his arm around me. "Well that's good to know that I have classes with all of you.
My schedule:
So yeah I'm going with Hank first then I get to see Joey for the rest of the day yaaay!
Which is awesome.
We all got up and went to our classes before I went with Hank Joey came over and hugged me while kissing the top of my head "I'll see you next period bye snuggle bug he whispered to me. I waved to him. "Off to English we go" Hank said. "How's the teacher?"I asked.
"Total bitch"he said. "Oh great"I said sarcastically. "You'll be fine she's nice to you as long as you look like your paying attention"Hank said. "I'm guessing you don't do that"I said smiling. "Yeah I try" he said. "Yeah ok"I said. We walked into the class room to see a man sitting at the desk not even paying attention to class. "I thought you said the teacher was a she"I said confused. "I guess we have a sub"he said shrugging his shoulders. I sat next to Hank trying not to make contact with the other students. "Hank who's the girl?" One hollered. Hank just ignored them. "Hey girl, wanna come to my dorm later on and..shut up asshole I said flipping him off. "Jeez does someone have anger issues or what?" One said while the others laughed. "Guys leave her alone!" Hank said getting annoyed with there dumb comments."fine well leave your girlfriend alone" one said. "She's not my girlfriend she's Trottas!"he yelled. "Oh so your joeys girl huh". Let's give this guy a name how about dipshit.
"Yeah dipshit now leave me the hell alone!" I said getting really pissed it's my first day and I'm already on the verge of snapping someone's dick off. "What are you gonna do tell Joey" the dipshit said while laughing sounding like a dying bird."why don't you come over here and see what happens"I said getting up out of my chair. " I'm shaking" dipshit said getting out of his seat. As he was making his way up to me I kicked him in the monkey. Dammmmn
Alright the both of you to the office the sub finally spoke up after just reading the newspaper and not giving a shit a while ago. "Are you serious why do I have to go to the office he was the one bothering me in the first place"I said extremely pissed. "Well you did hurt him so I'm going to have to send you both" he said. So it's only been 20 minutes of class and I'm already getting in trouble on my first day. Instead of going to the office I went to my uncles office. I knocked on the door. "Come in"he said. "Hi Brooklyn what brings you here?"he asked. "Well I might have kicked some one in the balls in class" I said hopefully he will understand. "And why?"he asked."he was flirting with me and bothering me I told him to stop he didn't listen so he was asking for it now so I just did it"I said all in one breath. "Alright I'll figure something out stay here for a little while I make some phone calls"he said sighing in frustration.Already in trouble yikes. But like always thanks for reading ✌😊

The drawings
FanfictionBrooklyn is new to the Regis high school. Yes I know in the movie Toy Soldiers it's a all boys school but you will see how Brooklyn ends up in a boy school.In the story Brooklyn will fall in love with one of the boys there and that's all I'm saying...