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After we pulled away I tasted blood on my lips. But I didn't care I love him. "Sorry I got blood on you" he said swiping his thumb on my lips. "It's ok baby"I said snuggling him. We were laying down facing each other and his arms were around me pulling me close and my head was resting on his chest. "So you still up for skipping tomorrow?"he asked. "Hell yes" I said. "Alright I have a surprise for you" he said playing with my hair. "I can't wait" I said. I got up from the bed to get Chapstick cause I always lick my lips and I can't stand it."hang on "I said looking in my bag. "Looking for your Chapstick?"he asked. "Yup" I replied. "It's right here"he said pulling it out of my butt pocket on my shorts. "Oh thanks" I said laughing. "Cute butt"he said slapping it. "You too" I said slapping his. We both laughed at are selfs for slapping each other's butts it was weird but funny. I laid back down and put my Chapstick on. "Can I have some?" He asked. "Here" I said kissing him. "Mm cherry" he said kissing me again."so do want to learn how to take pictures?"I asked. "Yeah sure"he said getting up going to my cameras. "Which one?" he asked. "The Polaroid"I said to him. "Ok now let's go to the art room"I said taking his hand. We ran to the art room so we wouldn't get caught it was so funny we almost fell on our asses. "I swear if you drop my camera Joey your buying me a new one"I said to him. "Trust me I won't drop it"he said tightening his grip on my camera. We got to the room as quickly as possible trying to be quite."now let me show you how it works"I said taking it out of his hands . "Yes ma'am" he said watching me. "Ok so this right here tells you how much film is left, this button on the top is what you press to take the picture, this is to help focus the camera and this is where the picture comes out got it?" I asked "yup" he responded examining the camera. I just stood there waiting for him to figure everything out. "Ok stand near that wall and just be you"he said smiling focusing the camera. "Ok"I said laughing he's so cute he's turning into a little photographer I love it." Beautiful"he said snapping a picture. "How does it look?"I asked. "You look cute" he said shaking the Polaroid picture. "Not bad it looks good" I said while looking at him. "I'd take one of you but you're face is kinda beat up" I said cupping his face. "Yeah I don't want to take a picture lookin like this" he said." What time is it?"he asked." It issss 11:55"I said while looking at my watch."ok so 5 minutes till lunch"he said. "Yeah so when we hear the bell we go for it"I said. "Yeah but what about your camera?" He asked. "It's fine I'll take with me"I said. "Alright" he said.
"What do you wanna do for five minutes" I asked smirking while poking his chest. "I have an idea" he said smirking at me probably reading my mind. He sat down on a chair and I sat on his lap facing him I started to kiss his neck running my fingers through his hair I could hear him quietly moan which turned me on. So I started making my way up to his jaw leaving kisses all over I finally reached his lips and started a full on make out session. I could feel his hands moving up and down my body and right as we pulled away the bell rang. "Perfect timing" I said getting up. We went to the cafeteria non stop giggling about what happened in the art room. We saw the guys all at the table waiting for us. We all got in line for lunch. "YESS PIZZA!!" The boys all yelled with excitement. "I never seen people this excited for food" I said laughing at them. "You'll understand once you try a slice"billy said. "If you say so"I said grabbing a slice. We sat down at the table and all of us ate we talked about Joey beating up Mj this morning. "Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll be back"I said getting up from the table.

~~joeys pov~~
"Guys you'll never guess what happened in the art room" I said with a smirk. "What did you get it on with Brookie?" snuffy asked. "Spill the beans Joey" billy said."come on tell us"Ricardo said. "Are you gonna tell us or what?" Hank asked. "Alright alright so me and Brooke were hanging out in the art room and then there was only five minutes till lunch and she said what do you want to do so I just sat on a chair and she sat on my lap facing me and started kissing me on my neck up to my lips and it was so hot" I said all in one breath. "Oh shit he's not lying"billy said pointing to a hickey on my neck. "Damn little did we know about brookie" Hank said laughing. "Come on guys when she gets back don't say anything"I said. "Maybe you guys can make your own generic playboy magazine with her"billy said laughing."You got a hot chick on your hands" snuffy said raising his eyebrows. "she's a bad girl " Ricardo said. "You guys are making her sound like a slut" I said slamming my fist on the table. "She's more than a hot chick or a bad girl she's different from the other girls she's something special to me alright now I don't want you guys talking about her like that it's disrespectful to me and her" I said in a serious tone. "Man we're sorry Joey we didn't me it like that we know that Brooke is like that it's just that you brought that up and we just said things" billy said. I just walked out of the cafeteria I didn't feel like listening to the guys. I just went to the art room and took out the picture of Brooke and looked at it . She's just so amazing and more than what the boys were describing her.

~~Brooklyns pov ~~
I walked back from the bathroom. Why does the bathroom have to be so far away. I walked into the cafeteria to see the boys all quite with straight faces." Guys where's Joey?"I asked. They all just shrugged there shoulders.

Its getting intense. It's a Cliffhanger kinda sense you guys know where Joey is already. And the picture btw is supposed to be the picture Joey took of Brooke. But like always thanks for reading ✌️😊

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