~~joeys pov ~~
I woke up surprisingly earlier than I needed to so I decided to go to the art room and chill for a bit till Brooke wakes up. After a while of messing around with paints I decided to see if Brooke was up yet.~~Brooklyns pov ~~
I woke up to the sound of a knock at the door. I went up and opened the door knowing that it was Joey at the door. "Hey" Joey said kissing my cheek."hey"I said rubbing my eyes."did I wake you?"he asked."yeah"I said grabbing my stuff." Sorry"he said opening the door for me. We went and took are showers and went to breakfast.~~Joeys pov~~
"So are you excited?"I asked."super excited"she said looking up at me. "Are you going to get breakfast?" She asked looking at the food." Nah it doesn't look edible we can stop somewhere when we leave"I said. "Yeah good idea" she said walking to the table. "Hey guys"billy said."hey"we both said" So the love birds are ditchin"snuffy said." Yup and you can't come"Brooke said jokingly." Whatever you and Joey are probably just gonna eat each other's faces off all day"he said laughing a little." Probably"I said with a smirk."Joey!"Brooke said embarrassed . Then the guys started laughing at her. She just laughed along too. "You guys aren't eating?"Ricardo asked."nah we're gonna get something later on" I said. "Hey while you guys are out can you get me donuts?"Hank asked. "You got the money?"I asked. "Yeah"he said handing me a 20. "Oh and make that a dozen" snuffy added. "Uh no"Hank said. "Please" billy and snuffy begged. "Fine" Hank said giving in. "Thanks hanky" billy and snuffy said sounding like babies. Hank just rolled his eyes at them. "Well we're gonna get going"I said. "Bye guys"Brooke and I said waving. "Bye Brookie and Joey" the all said.~~Brooklyns pov ~~
"You ready for this?" Joey asked me. "I got this go to the art room if it doesn't work I'll come and get you"I said. "Don't worry it will work" he said with confidence. "Ok I'll see you soon"I said making my way to my uncles office. "I'll be waiting" he said going to the art room. As I was walking I was planning out what I was going to say. I walked up to the door and knocked on it waiting for a response. "Come in"my uncle responded. "Hello Brooke what can I do for you?" He asked not looking up from his work. " well um you see I need to go to the store to buy some girly stuff and some other stuff " I said acting nervous. "Alright my keys are right here, do you need money?"he asked. "Yes please"I said smiling. "Ok take as long as you need I'm here all day if you need me just come buy my office when you get back" he said handing me a hundred dollar bill. "Oh I don't need this much" I said but in the inside I wanted to go shopping with Joey. "Treat yourself to whatever you want"he insisted. "Thank you" I said hugging him and kissing his cheek. Ladies and gentlemen that's how it's done. I went outside and crouched down and crawled looking for the art room window. When all a sudden I tripped over the hose. Found it. I stood up hoping that it was the right one. Then I peaked in to see Joey walking around in circles. I knocked on the window seeing that I startled him. "Jeez you scared the shit out of me" Joey said opening the window."look what I got"I said holding up the money my uncle gave me. "Well done" he said clapping. "Race ya"I said with a smirk. "Oh it's on"he said getting in position ready to run. "1..2..3.. Go!" I said running as fast as i possibly could. But he beat me of course. "Who's driving?"I asked. "Me"he said grabbing the keys. "Alright don't fuck up my uncles car or he'll kill me"I said. "Trust me I'm a professional driver" he said putting his sunglasses on and stepping on the engine. "Babe your going to fast slow down"I said holding on to my seat belt."ok ok"he said putting his hand on my thigh. I just keep on watching his hand. It better stay where it's at. But as I took my attention away from it he started moving it up. So I took his hand in my mine to keep his hand out of my skirt. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To radio shack I'm gonna buy myself a camera" he said with a big smile. "Oh yay I'm so happy you like photography too now" I said happily. "What kind of camera ?" I asked. "A canon camera" he said. "Oh those are nice ones " I said. "Yeah so I can take pictures of you"he said kissing me at the red light.
"Did I tell you that you look like a baby doll" he said. "No not till now"I giggled. "I Like that outfit on you" he said. "Thank you look handsome as usual" I said.
//skipping to store//
"Ooh look at this one" Joey said pointing to a camera. "Oh this one is perfect "I said focusing the lens. "Lemme see"he said. "Oh yeah it is nice"he said looking through the lens. "I'm gonna get this one " he said. "Good choice"I said putting my arm around his waist. "That will be 124"the cash register man said. Joey handed him the money but before we left I bought some bubble gum at the front of the store. "Alright let's open this bad boy" he said taking the box out of the bag. I just watched him ,his eyes screamed excitement and I was excited for him. "Well my first picture is going to be of you" he said smiling big. "Of course"I said laughing. "Where to next?" I asked popping a piece of gum in my mouth. "A little coffee shop" he said starting the car. "Ok cool" I said blowing a bubble. "What's it called?" I asked. "Janes coffee" he said. "Oh never heard of it" I said. "I'm surprised, they don't have one of those in Manhattan?"he asked. "No not that I know of " I said as we pulled up to the place. We walked in hand and hand ,and sat down at a table in the back. "This is a cute little place"I said looking around the shop. It has this vintage theme to it from the wallpaper,the tables, the floors, and just everything. It was screaming 60s. "You like it" he said watching me observe everything in the place. "Yeah I like it a lot" I said bringing my attention to him. "Hello I'm Jessica anything you need just holler" the waitress said giving us our menus. "So what are you gonna get?" I asked. "Uh do you wanna just share some pancakes?"he asked. "Chocolate chip?" I asked. "Of course"he said chuckling.(am I the only one who hates the word *chuckle*?) " im gonna get coffee, how about you?"he asked. "Yeah I'm going to get coffee too"I said putting my menu down. "Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asked. "Yes we will have the chocolate chip pancakes " Joey said. "And for drinks?" She asked looking at me. "Uh I'll have a coffee with cream and sugar"I said. "I'll have the same"Joey said. "Ok I'll be back with your food soon" she said taking our menus. "I'm gonna go throw out my gum"I said getting up. "Ok" he said looking at his camera. As I was walking up I noticed a stand with brochures for a art museum opening up soon. I grabbed one and threw my gum out. "What's that?"Joey asked while focusing his camera. But before I was about to answer he stopped me. "Wait stay just like that"he said focusing his camera on me. "Joey really your so embarrassing"I said because the waitress was giving us are food as he was taking pictures. "Thank you"I said to her trying to conceal how embarrassed I was. "Joey you are so weird"I said laughing at him. "Thanks you are too"he said smirking. And we ate are big ass stack of chocolate chip pancakes. We probably looked like 10 year olds eating our pancakes and giggling about random stuff like the way my face turns pink when I'm embarrassed. Or how Joey runs like a idiot. Just random things that we thought of were funny.So yeah I'm really sorry for taking forever to update. I just had one of those moments when I didn't know what to write. But I'm back on board. Oh and the pictures are of Brooke at "Janes Coffee" btw. Like always thanks for reading ✌️😊

The drawings
FanfictionBrooklyn is new to the Regis high school. Yes I know in the movie Toy Soldiers it's a all boys school but you will see how Brooklyn ends up in a boy school.In the story Brooklyn will fall in love with one of the boys there and that's all I'm saying...