His Favourite Thing About You

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Stiles: Stiles loves your amazing sense of humour. You were the type of person who could make anyone and everyone laugh, especially your adorable boyfriend. In the toughest of times, you could still manage to bring a smile to his face which is why Stiles kept you around.

Scott: Scott loves how easily you get along with all of his friends. It was very important to Scott that you got along with each and everyone of his friends. He wanted to have a balance between you and his friends and it made everything easier when Scott realized just how close you were his friends.

Derek: Derek loves your personality and how much it closely resembles his. He loves how the two of you share most of the same opinions and how you almost always agree with one another. But often times you both clash with one another which leads to massive arguments and with your personalities getting in the way, it is almost impossible to decide who's right in each case.

Isaac: Isaac loves your beautiful smile. He loves how he is the only person who can put a smile on your face in any type of situation. But his favourite thing about your smile is that it is the most genuine when you are around him, which not only flatters Isaac but it makes him feel like he's doing something right in the relationship.

Liam: Liam loves how athletic and competitive you are. He loves showing you off after you win an intense game. He loves how focussed and determined you are during the duration of your game or how you will do no matter what it takes to succeed.

Peter: Peter loves your independence. He loves how he never has to worry about you being alone. To him, your independence shows bravery, and determination and he loves seeing that in you. He also knows that he can depend on you whenever he needs you because he is the only person that you will work with.

Parrish: Parrish loves how smart you are. He loves how you help out at the station when you get a chance because your brain often comes in handy with such complex cases. He loves showing off your smarts to everyone because he is proud to call you his girlfriend.

Theo: Theo loves how much you love him. He always believed that you could do better, but you assured him that there was no one else. He loves how you constantly express your feelings, or how you always manage to speak to him at least once a day, it reassures him that you love him and that you always will love him.

Brett: Brett loves how supportive you are. He loves that you are always in the stand during his lacrosse games cheering for him and only him. He loves knowing that you are proud of him no matter the outcome of one single game. But he especially loves when you hug him tightly after a game and tell him he played amazing, even if he didn't.

Jackson: Jackson loves your body. He loves the way his hands can roam over every part of your skin and his lips can kiss almost every inch. He loves that you aren't overly confident about your gorgeous body, but you defiantly aren't self conscious and you had Jackson to thank for that.

Aiden: Aiden loves the relationship that you have maintained with his brother. For Aiden, it was very important that Ethan approved of you, and luckily, you and Ethan had bonded almost instantly. Aiden loves knowing that Ethan would be there for you if he couldn't, and of course you would be there for Ethan if Aiden was ever occupied.

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