You Die

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Stiles: You woke up to the sound of your bedroom door being opened. Both your parents were sleeping, and if not, they knew better then to come into your room when you were sleeping. You sat up in your bed and turned on your beside light. "Mom! Dad!" You yelled, and the man only laughed. You reached out for your phone but he got there before you and placed his hand overtop of the phone.

"Your parents can't help you now." Your eyes widened with fear and before the tears could fall the man picked you up and broke your window before exiting your house, and making his way towards the forest located behind your house.

"Put me down!" You yelled and began struggling against the rather strong, scary looking man. He dropped you on the ground and you winced as you hit the ground. He crouched down to your level and you looked away from him and closed your eyes, hoping this was all a bad dream. "Stop!" You yelled again as you felt the man's nails dig into your skin, you opened your eyes and looked at the man who looked completely different. Your eyes trailed down to your side and you saw the blood running from your abdomen. You locked eyes with the man one last time before he leaned down and bit you on the side of your abdomen. You let out a loud scream and suddenly began putting pressure on the new wound, "Who the hell are you?" You asked as you bit you lip from the pain.

"I'm your alpha." He said before running farther into the forest. You looked down at your side, and once you noticed the mass amount of blood, you fainted.

You woke up with a sharp breath and when you looked around and noticed your position. You stood up frantically only to lean forward as there was a sudden pain running through your side. You slowly lifted up your shirt and noticed the bite mark. You ran your hand over your torso, in attempt to wipe off the black blood which was smeared across your torso. Your mind went into overdrive and you began running towards your house, swallowing the pain with each step you took.

When you got home you crawled back through your window and ran to your parents room to see their bodies covered in blood. Your hand flew to your mouth and a few tears escaped your eyes. Looking at your deceased parents made your stomach churn and you ran to your bathroom, where you emptied your stomach into the toilet. "No, please no." You mumbled as your noticed the inside of the toilet was completely black. You flushed the toilet, cleaned your face, brushed your teeth multiple times and then hoped into the shower to rid yourself of the smell, and black blood.

After carefully applying layers of gauze to the bite you slipped into a black long sleeve shirt, and one of the numerous hoodies Stiles had let your borrow. "You're going to be okay." You mumbled to yourself while looking in the mirror. "You are going to be okay for Stiles." You said with a small smile. You grabbed your bag, water and phone before opening the front door, feeling weak, and alone.

"Y/L/N, you're late." You nodded slowly and took your seat in the back corner, which was beside Stiles, behind Scott and diagonal from Allison.

"Y/N/N, you alright?" You looked at Stiles and forced a small smile onto your face. All you had to do was act as if everything was alright, and if you could make it until lunch then you could leave and go home, where you could accept your fate, alone. You felt the liquid run from your nose and almost instantly your hand flew to your nose, wiping the black blood away. Without thinking you stood up and ran out of the classroom, ignoring the calls from your teacher, boyfriend and friends. You reached the locker room, opened the door and hid in the back corner. "Y/N!" You heard Stiles call out and you kept wiping away the blood that wasn't stopping.

"Stiles..." You whispered softly as your hand fell to your side. Your body became limp as you suddenly had no strength and you struggled to keep your eyes open.

"Y/N, what happened?" Your eyes trailed down to your stomach and Stiles slowly lifted the sweatshirt and shirt, only to see the once perfectly white gauze covered in black blood. "No, you can't leave me. Y/N, please don't leave me." A few tears escaped and Stiles pulled you into his lap as Scott and Allison took a couple steps back, knowing the outcome that would occur within the next couple minutes.

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