You Can't Sleep

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Stiles: It was Stiles, or the Nogitsune that kept you awake every night. You were told to keep your distance from Stiles, which was extremely difficult. And you learned that you were an easy target for the Nogitsune because you meant so much to Stiles, which kept you terrified and anxious. You would lay awake in bed, your phone would be clutched tightly in your hand and you continuously checked your window and door. Scott assured you that if you needed someone he would be there, but he wasn't Stiles, which led you to make a rather, almost terrible, decision, "Stiles, if it's you, I just need to hear your voice; something to let me sleep."

Scott: The Alpha Pact kept you wide awake at night. They had not only threatened you, but physically injured you which kept you constantly paranoid in Beacon Hills, especially at night. You triple checked everything, as a way to assure yourself that no one had been inside your home at any point during the day. You always made sure to lock the door and never answered the door if you weren't expecting a visitor. It was clear that paranoid was almost an understatement and it was because of this feeling that you couldn't sleep at night. One night, you couldn't contain your feelings as you felt completely unsafe in your own home, you called Scott in tears, "Scott, I can't sleep, it's really nothing, I just need you."

Derek: You always knew that Derek was too good for you and you couldn't shake the feeling that he was with another woman. He was always sneaking off in the middle of the night, and he made up rather lame excuses to get out of spending quality time with you. You played it off as nothing, as you trusted Derek, but when you would lay in bed at night, you couldn't help but wonder who she was. It was the only logical solution to Derek's behaviour, or so you thought. One night, you were feeling extra hormonal, that's what being a girl does to you, and you couldn't help but cry over the silly idea that Derek was cheating on you, so, you decided to do what any rational female would do, "Derek, this has been keeping me awake for days, so, I just need to know, are you cheating on me?"

Isaac: Sacrifices were happening too often and they were the reason for your sleep deprivation. You carefully marked down the reason for each sacrifice, hoping that no category would pertain especially to you. But of course, virgins soon became the target and this worried you tremendously. You were always on the lookout, you weren't sure for who, or what, but you had the need to continuously look over your shoulder. You stayed awake at night when you were alone and the slightest noise caused your heart to race. At the smallest of noises, coming from outside your bedroom window, you dialled Isaac, "Isaac, I need you to come over because I can't sleep and I really need you right now."

Liam: When Liam joined the pact you never imagined that he would spend more time with them then with you. You never considered yourself as a selfish girlfriend but people around Beacon Hills talked. You heard the rumours of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills and this frightened you tremendously. You constantly worried for everyone you cared about and you often sat up at night because you were afraid to close your eyes. It was hard being away from Liam, especially because he he makes you feel safe, so, one night you called him, "Liam, I can't sleep, I'm scared and I really need you."

Peter: You had been accustomed to Peter's daily presence throughout your entire relationship. This tight bond between you and Peter caused you to constantly worry about his safety, and yours. Peter told you about Kate, about her plan, and this worried you because Kate never liked you. One night, you were at home, waiting for Peter's arrival when you heard voices talking outside your window. You immediately called Peter, "Peter, I can't sleep, and I know you might be busy with the pact, but I need you here with me."

Parrish: A few houses in your neighbourhood had been robbed and the owners were hospitalised with severe injuries. You knew you would be able to defend yourself against whomever, or whatever was committing the crime as you were an Argent. But the fear of the unknown was petrifying because for once in your life you weren't able to prepare perfectly. You didn't know if this was an average person or if it was a supernatural creature. You were awake in bed when you heard sirens outside your house, "Jordan! I can't sleep and there was another robbery in my neighbourhood, can you please come over."

Theo: It was your encounter with the Dread Doctors that kept you awake at night. You vividly remember the day that they paid you visit. It was late at night, your family was out, and you were in your family room awaiting for Theo's arrival. They made their presence known when you felt a striking pain on your right shoulder, and when you heard their muffled voices, you began to cry. They could probably sense your fear, then, and now as you laid in bed staring at your ceiling. Your eyes would scan your room every once and a while, assuring you that you were in fact alone. And on some nights when your fear caused tears, you would pick up your phone and call Theo, "Theo, I can't sleep, and, I, need you here with me."

Brett: You never imagined that you would be out on a supernatural hit list but there is a first time for everything. Brett was also on the list which made the situation ten times worse. Your brother, Scott, was constantly worrying about your safety and made sure that you never left his side which made it difficult to spend time with Brett. At night, Scott would check up on you every so often but one night when he was staying with Stiles you felt unsafe in your own home which caused you to call Brett, "Hey, I know it's late but I was wondering if you would come over because I can't sleep."

Jackson: You were told not to trust anyone in Beacon Hills. Your sister, Allison, explained the situation and state of the town which made you believe that there was only a few sane people left. But, despite everything you knew, you fell in love with Jackson. You're entire relationship was a secret, not a single soul knew about your amazing love. But on one particular night you couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because you were worried that your father had seen you and Jackson or maybe you just missed him, but the only logical thing to do was to call him, "Jackson, I can't sleep without you."

Aiden: You were told to stay away from Aiden but that small task became extremely difficult. You spent short, romantic moments with Aiden when you weren't with Scott and the pack. One night, your friends finally came up with a plan and if everything went according to plan then Aiden would no longer be in Beacon Hills. That night you were unable to sleep knowing that tomorrow, could be the last day that you saw Aiden. You couldn't and wouldn't betray your friends so you decided to call Aiden, who came over right away, "I can't sleep knowing that you aren't here with me."

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