You're His Best Friend

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Stiles: Since birth, you and Stiles were best friends. He was by your side through all the ups and downs, and you were by his. People always assumed you were dating because of how close you two are. And each time, you and him would just smile and explain that you are best friends, but you wanted so much more. "Stilinski!" You called from down the hall as you showed up to school just before the bell. Stiles and Scott both looked at you as you ran at the boys and Stiles opened his arms and you hugged him, smiling. 

"Someone slept in." Stiles commented and you pulled away from the hug and pulled your breakfast, which was a container of fruit from your bag and showed it to him. He laughed and shook his head at you as he grabbed yours and his books from his locker, seeing as you shared one. 

"Scott." You said with a little head nod and placed your bag in your locker, slipping a pen into your pocket, while clutching your breakfast to your chest. "How's Allison?" You whispered as you closed the locker and the three of your started walking to class. 

"Good, she's-" You held your hand up to stop him from talking as you approached your classroom, looking inside you saw you had a supply teacher and went to walk past the classroom but Stiles grabbed the back of your sweater, pulling you back slightly. 

"Come on." You mumbled as the three of you walked into class, and Stiles placed your books at the desk beside his, usually where Scott sits. You looked back at Lydia, who smiled at you and gave you a thumbs up, you rolled your eyes at her. Scott sat beside Allison, and the teacher sat down, and pulled out her phone. 

"Y/N.." He said and you looked at him, glaring thinking he was going to explain to you why you should go to class even if your teacher isn't, but you saw his serious expression and dropped your glare, suddenly curious.

"Stiles.." You mimicked him and he smiled. 

"I know your my best friend and all, but Y/N, I love you. Like as more then a friend, and not in that brother, sister way, but I seriously love you." He said and you smiled, and leaned over and placed your lips on his, which gained both of you detention, but it was well worth it. 

 You and Scott have been best friends for a little over five years. He was the guy you went to when you needed something, and he went to you whenever he needed something. Despite Scott's good looks and amazing personality, it was hard for you not to fall for your best friend. And of course you told Stiles, needed to get your feelings out to someone, anyone, as long as it wasn't Scott because the last thing you wanted was for your friendship to fall apart because you couldn't control your feelings. "Hey." Scott mumbled as he walked past you at the end of the day, and Stiles was trailing behind him. Since you told Stiles how you felt, Scott had been acting weird around you. You grabbed the back of Stiles' shirt and he stopped walking to look at you. 

"Stiles.." You said, and he put his hands up as if he was saying 'I didn't do anything.' You rolled your eyes and shut your locker, your backpack hanging off one shoulder as you dragged Stiles with you. "Why did you tell him?" You asked, now tears forming in your eyes as you didn't want to lose Scott as your best friend, and you knew you were close to it. 

"I'm sorry." You looked at Stiles, this time tears falling from your eyes. Stiles wrapped you in a hug, you knew he didn't feel the same, and now your whole friendship was slipping through your fingers. "But, he loves you too." Stiles said after a couple minutes and you looked up at him, your makeup most likely on your cheeks and Stiles' shirt was a mess, but he had a stupid grin on his face. 

"It's obvious he doesn't." You pointed out, getting worked up over the whole situation. "I mean since he found out how I felt, he's been ignoring me!" You yelled, swinging your arms out, and to the kids that were just leaving must have thought that you were crazy. 

"I'm sorry Y/N." You turned around and saw Scott standing there, a smile on his face. You looked back at Stiles and then back at Scott, who was reaching for your hand, in which you gladly accepted. He pulled you close to him, and you arms rested on his chest, as his snaked around your waist. "I was worried you didn't feel the same and when I found out, I was so happy." He explained and you only nodded as he continued to explain how he was just worried about your friendship, and didn't want to ruin it. "I don't want to lose you as a friend, but I want so much more at the same time." He said and you nodded, while looking into his eyes.

"Scott, you'll never lose me." You said and he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.

"So, I come back to Beacon Hills to find you hanging out with a bunch of teenagers?" You asked as Derek was doing sit-ups, and you were sitting on the couch, your boots on the table in front of you. Your eyes were fixed on his toned body as he was repeating the same movement over and over again. Since you could remember you and Derek were best friends, it was so hard to be best friends with someone like Derek because you were there through Paige and Kate, and you supported him, but inside it killed you watching him be with someone who wasn't you. 

"They needed my help." He said as he sat up and rested his arms on his knees as he was looking at you, you just rolled your eyes.

"You think you're some big shot, don't you?" You said with a smirk and he shrugged his shoulders, smirking at you. He put his hands out and you stood up and grabbed his hands helping him stand up. "So when do I get to meet them?" You asked and he looked at the door, your gaze followed his as three girls and three boys walked into the loft. 

"Derek we need-" The boy stopped talking and was staring at you, you smiled and waved to the group of kids, and the girl with blonde hair elbowed the boy. 

"Who are you?" The girl with strawberry blonde hair asked, looking at you, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Y/N Y/L/N, and you are?" You replied with just as much sass, and Derek who now had a shirt on came beside you and snaked his arm around your waist, knowing you had a short temper and although she didn't mean to come off rude, you took it personally. 

"That's Lydia, I'm Scott, and this is Malia, Kira, Liam and Stiles." He said as he pointed to everyone, you nodded your head and tried to control the butterflies in your stomach from Derek's touch. "I didn't know Derek was with someone." He said and you looked up at Derek with a smirk on your face. 

"Yeah, I didn't know either." You said and he rolled his eyes in a playful manner, as you took a step away from him, keeping your gaze on him. 

"Well I am." He said and pulled you close to him, placing his lips on yours, the butterflies going absolutely insane inside of your stomach.

"Go Isaac!" You yelled from the bleachers, as you and Lydia were watching the lacrosse team play. Lydia nudged you as Isaac stole a quick glance at you, and your heart fluttered and you knew he could hear your heart beat quicken so you looked down and blushed. Isaac is your best friend since you came to the school, and you two always flirted jokingly, but sometimes you wouldn't be able to control that funny feeling in your stomach, or the way your heart speeds up at the sight of him, and of course he picks up all of it. 

"You and Isaac, huh?" Lydia said as she nudged your arm with her elbow and you let out a small laugh, keeping your eyes focused on number fourteen. 

"We're best friends." You pointed out and then watched as Isaac scored and you stood up and started cheering and clapping with everyone else in the stands. As the game came to a close you and Lydia left a little early so you could congratulate the boys as they were heading back into the locker room. 

"Kiss him." Lydia said as she began walking with Scott and Stiles giving them each a hug for their amazing win. 

"Good game Isaac." You said as you hugged him and he picked you up off the ground slightly, you smiled up at him as he let you down. He took his gloves off and reached for your hand which you took and he led you past the locker room and down the hallway, away from where everyone was. "Isaac, Coach is going-"

Isaac leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, silencing you from finishing your sentence, instantly your hands went to his cheeks and you pulled away slowly, a huge smile on your face. "I'm in love with my best friend." He whispered and pecked your lips, causing you to giggle. "Hopefully your in love with yours." He whispered and you nodded as you reattached your lips, smiling into the kiss. 

"Lahey!" You heard Coach yell, as his loud voice traveled to where you two were. He pulled away, pecked your lips again before running to the locker room. 

You had spent countless nights hanging out with Liam, and each night you seemed to fall harder for the boy who you call your best friend. And instead of hanging out with Liam, he decided to drag you to Scott McCall's house, the captain of the lacrosse team, to hang out. "Liam, why can't we just stay at my place and watch movies?" You asked as Scott answered the door and looked at you and then Liam, and again, before welcoming you inside. 

"Liam, we told you not to bring her." Lydia Martin said, and you suddenly felt out of place, and very awkward. 

"I can go." You whispered and Malia and Lydia both nodded, and you turned around to leave but Liam snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you close to his body, even though he was doing in a friendly way, your cheeks heated up and you looked down at the ground. 

"She's staying." He said and Scott grabbed Liam's arm as him and Stiles brought him up to Scott's room, leaving you with the three girls. After about twenty minutes Scott and Stiles came downstairs without Liam, and you were about to ask where he was when Malia started to breath heavily and Stiles was by her side within seconds, calming her down. She looked over at you with different colour eyes, and claws, you stood up and backed away into Scott in which you buried your face in his chest, admiring the position for a second before you heard a growl from upstairs. 

"Liam." You mumbled and pulled away from Scott and bolted up the stairs, not knowing what room he was in or what was going on. Both Scott and Kira were behind you as you beat them to Scott's door, swinging it open to see Liam chained to a chair and Scott went to pull you back as Liam growled at you, and he didn't look like himself, he looked like a werewolf. 

"Y/N, let's go." Kira said softly and placed her hand on your shoulder, you looked at Liam, as tears were forming in your eyes and you slowly shrugged off her hand before walking over to him. 

"Y/N!" Scott said as Liam was trying to break the chains that were restricting him from harming anyone. You continued to walk closer and went to placed your hands on Liam's cheek and he continued to sturggle against the chains. 

"Liam, please stop." You said, tears falling down your cheeks. "You scaring me." You whispered and Liam's movements didn't change, and Scott pulled your hand back from Liam's face. "Liam, I love you." You whispered and Liam slowly stopped moving, his breathing heavy but he was beginning to look like Liam again. 

"Y/N." He breathed out and you leaned down and hugged him, and when you pulled back you attached your lips to his. 

"Peter!" You called out as you opened the door to his apartment, hoping he would be home. Since you were in high school, you and Peter had become friends easily. "Where the fuck are you?" You mumbled to yourself as you turned the lights on and started walking through the apartment, the only noise coming from your boots on the hardwood floor. You heard the door open and you turned to see Peter, ready to attack the person who was trespassing. "It's only me." You said and took a seat on the counter in his kitchen, making yourself at home as you pulled out a bag of chips from the pantry beside you.

"What do you want?" He asked as he stood in front of you, a few steps back, you smiled as you opened the bag of chips.

"Just thought I'd let you know that Derek has been oh so kind enough to let me move in with him." You stated and hoped off the counter feeding yourself a couple chips before setting them on the counter behind you. Peter grabbed onto the counter behind him and you noticed how his knuckles were turning white. 

"Oh, isn't he just a lifesaver." He said, rolling his eyes in the process. Recently your house has been destroyed as a couple hunters invaded your space, destroying everything. You wanted Peter to allow you to stay at his home, so you would be able to spend as much time with man you love. 

"Basically." You responded and went to walk out of the kitchen but Peter grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. You could feel his breath on your neck as he leaned down, inching towards your ear.

"You are staying here." He whispered and attached his lips to your neck and you gripped onto his shirt, and only nodded your head, not trusting your voice. "I can't have my nephew live with the girl I'm in love with, now can I?" He asked and you nodded your head again before he attached his lips to yours.

Since you came to Beacon Hills, Jordan Parrish was there to show you around, and to make sure you had everything you needed. It was safe to say that he was your best friend, but you were also in love with him. "Sheriff." You said as you walked past his office and over to Jordan's desk were he was typing away on his computer. You took a seat on some of the free space on his desk and he looked up at you with a smile. 

"What can I do for you?" He asked, thinking you needed help with changing another light, or fixing a squeaky door, but you only wanted to spend time with him.

"Nothing at the moment, but give me a couple hours and I'm sure I'll have something for you." You said and he laughed as he looked up at you, and you turned around as the printer started working. Jordan stood up to retrieve his papers and you looked down at his desk noticing the scribbling on a sticky note, about flowers, a girl, and a date. "Who's the girl?" You asked as you picked up the note, sticking it to your finger as you showed him what you meant, he walked over with the papers in his hands and snatched it from you. 

"No one." He replied quickly, as he placed the papers on his desk, now standing in front of you. 

"Tell me!" You whined and gave a puppy dog face to him, hoping he would crack and spill.

"You." He mumbled as he leaned down and kissed you passionately on the lips, and you knew from that day forward that you were glad that you had fallen in love with your best friend.

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