your first kiss

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You and Stiles had just recently begun dating and you weren't concerned or disappointed that Stiles hadn't kissed you yet because you were happy. Everyone at school, especially your friends, could tell that Stiles was the reason you constantly had a smile on your face. One day, while you were at your locker exchanging your books, Stiles forcefully shut your locker door. "Stiles-" You weren't able to finish your sentence because Stiles pressed him lips against yours. You immediately smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. When you pulled away the goofy smile on either of your faces could not be wiped off. 


You grew up with Scott and Stiles and you considered them to be your closest friends. You have always had feelings towards Scott but you managed to convince yourself that it was nothing more then a crush. You kept this a secret from everyone besides Stiles. You weren't sure how he convinced you to tell him, but eventually you did. "Scott?" He had invited you over for a movie night and when you walked inside the entire house was dark. "This isn't funny," You whispered as you walked into the kitchen and flipped a switch. You scanned the room but soon felt hands on your waist. Scott spun you around, smiled, and then leaned down and kissed you. It was something that the both of you had wanted for a long time.


Derek proved to be the best boyfriend a girl could wish for. He was defiantly a romantic at heart but chose not to let anyone know, especially Stiles. One night, you were sitting on the couch in the loft as you watched Derek pace across the room. "Is everything okay?" You asked Derek who looked at you and then continued to pace. You hated seeing Derek like this so you stood up and walked over to your beautiful boyfriend. "Derek," You pulled him in for a hug and he immediately pulled away, which upset you, but he made up for it when instead, he pulled you in for a well overdue kiss.


Your relationship with Isaac was going very smoothly, except, he had yet to kiss you. You didn't need Isaac to kiss you to know that you were happy with him, but deep down you knew you wanted him too. "It's going to happen eventually." You told Lydia as you were walking down the hallway with her, headed to your next class. "Right?" You looked to Lydia for reassurance but she only shrugged her shoulders in response. Before you walked into your class, Isaac pulled you away from the door and planted a short, but sweet kiss on your lips. "Right." You mumbled to yourself when he began walking away from you.


It happened before a lacrosse game. Liam was extremely nervous about the game and you were attempting to calm him down. "Liam," You placed your hands on his shoulders and forced him to look at you, "it's going to be okay." You stated and watched intently as Liam's breathing picked up. He gripped onto your wrists tightly and without thinking you pressed your lips to his and his grip immediately loosened. When you pulled away from the kiss, Liam desperately pulled you in for another and you couldn't help but smile.


Your first kiss with Peter was defiantly not picture-perfect. You had just been attacked by a group of hunters and somehow you managed to escape, injured, of course. You got to Derek's loft but your entire body was beginning to fail you, and you knew it. When you got inside Peter was quick to bring you into his arms, after all, he cared for you, deeply. "Y/N, it's going to be okay." Peter began taking away your pain as he held your hand tightly, but it wasn't enough, so he leaned down and kissed you. The action not only saved you but it was something you wanted for a long time.


Jordan was waiting outside of the hospital, leaning against his car, when you walked out. You had just finished work and Jordan promised to pick you up. "Took you long enough." Jordan joked and you jogged over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Jordan held you tightly for a couple minutes until it began to rain which caused you to pull away from him. You turned to walk to the other side of his car but he grabbed your wrist, spun you around, and pulled you in for a kiss. His hand was resting on your cheek and yours were gripping his shirt.


You and Theo were quietly watching a movie at your house. You were cuddled against one another and the moment seemed absolutely perfect. You continually stole glances up at Theo who seemed to be focussed on the movie. When he caught your gaze, his eyes trailed down to your lips, then back up to your eyes. "Kiss me." You mumbled and Theo quickly, but softly pulled you in for a wonderful kiss.


Before you and Brett began dating, you always attended every lacrosse game, cheering on the team. However, this time it was different. Brett showed up to the game with you and walked you to the bleachers before turning around to head to the locker room. "Wait!" You called out to Brett who turned around, just in time to catch your good luck kiss. He smiled into the kiss and pulled you closer to his body until his coach called his name. "Good luck!" You smiled and returned back to your seat for the game.


Your best friend Lydia was throwing another one of her legendary parties. Somehow you managed to drink enough so that you could be classified as drunk. You stumbled around the party, creating conversation with your classmates and dancing to the music. Jackson found you in the sea of high school students and immediately pulled you in for a drunk kiss. In that moment you weren't sure if you were going to remember the kiss, but you hoped that you would.


You weren't the most popular in school and Aiden was quick to notice how beautiful you are when he came to Beacon Hills. He attempted to talk to you many times, but he was always so nervous. One day, you were in the library, looking for a book when you felt a hand on your waist. You turned around and then Aiden pulled you in for a kiss. At first, you were completely shocked but seconds later you began kissing him back.

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