Chapter Two

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So, how's your day/night going?


Chapter 2

Mia woke up with a shooting pain in both her back and neck, causing her limbs to be stiff and shaky. Her fingers and feet tingled uncomfortably with sleep and she could feel dried drool coating her lips. Without thinking twice, she tried to stretch her arms over head but instead found herself hissing in pain when her hands banged against something hard.

Eyes flying open wide, she saw bars made of bamboo that surrounded her from every direction. Mia jumped out of shock, now fully awake, and winced when her head hit the top of the cage. Her jerky movements caused her confinement to swing back and forth since it was only tied above ground by two large ropes connected to a thick tree limb.

"Ow!" she cried as the pain started to pound against her skull and she pressed her hands against the bamboo walls as if that would make the cage stop its swinging. As the world around her spun, her stomach churned angrily, threatening to spew up her dinner.

"She's awake!"

Mia, through her dizziness, nausea, and pain, managed to turn her head quite slowly and saw a boy with black hair and dark eyes staring at her with a frown. Freckles covered his temples, nose, and chin with a deep, ugly, horizontal scar across his face which polluted his sun kissed skin.

"W-who are you?" she said in almost a whisper, confused and terrified for her life.

"What?" the boy snapped and chuckled mockingly when he noticed the distraught look on her face. "Can't hear you, Darling."

"Who are you?" Mia asked slower his time, emphasizing on every word, but not raising her voice. The last thing she needed was for him to be angry.

"Jake," he answered gruffly before he turned his body slightly away from her, signaling he didn't want to talk anymore.

Mia noticed his unusual attire. He wore a soiled shirt that had both of the sleeves ripped off, ripped black paints tucked into a pair of brown work boots, and a sweatshirt tied around his waist. It wasn't long before Mia noticed something metal, sharp and glistening, tucked away in his pants with a wooden handle. A knife.

She hid in the far corner of the cage that was in the shade of the tree branches, protecting her from the sun's glare and the farthest away from the strange boy, Jake. Like a child, she whimpered and tucked her head between her legs, wrapping her arms around her knees. Mia thought her heart would fly out of her chest because of how hard and fast it was beating.

Minutes passed as her anxiety got worse and as the jungle she was in grew eerily quiet. Sweat rolled down both sides of her face and she could taste the saltiness on her lips. She didn't dare to look up when the unforgettable sound emerged of Jake sharpening what she supposed was his dagger.

Footsteps walking quickly and with a purpose against the ground suddenly could be heard coming nearer and nearer by each passing second.

Mia's head shot up and again she hit her head, cursing at the restrictive cage and the pain it had caused. She held her breath as a strange boy came into view and tried her best to see him through the small gaps of the cage.

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