Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Mia nearly lost her appetite and food as she watched the boys have an eating contest in the middle of camp during dinner.

They were all stuffing their mouths as fast as they could and the sight was quite disgusting. Food was all over their faces and their mouths were so full that they couldn't shut them so half eaten food continuously fell out between their unhinged teeth. Afterwards, a few of them threw up and others made gurgling noises while complaining that their stomach hurt. Their peers laughed at them, slapping the puking ones on the back encouragingly and trying to poke at the sickly ones who hadn't yet spilled their guts out for all to see.

Mia's stomach churned and, suddenly not hungry, she got up to dump her half eaten plate.

Just when she was standing up and beginning to turn around, Mia bumped into a boy with curly blond hair and menacing grey eyes that narrowed at her as soon as they focused on her face.

The boy snarled at her and grabbed her shirt by the collar, making her gasp out loud in shock and claw at his hands. "Watch it, girly," he spat and she winced when she felt a bit of his spit on her face.

Thomas ran up immediately when he saw what was happening and pulled her from the boy's grasp. "Knock it off, James," he snarled at the blond boy. His tone was so threatening that it even scared Mia a little, and she suddenly had no doubt why Thomas was Pan's third in command.

James gave her another glare and sauntered off somewhere in the camp, pushing aside the boys who were in his way as he did so.

"Sorry about that. James is very... prideful and can be a pain in the behind," Thomas said, still glaring but sounded sheepish. "You better stay away from him. He is Pan's second and doesn't take a liking in girls very much."

"Really? I haven't noticed," Mia said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Thomas rolled his eyes and wiped some dirt of her shoulders that she didn't even know was there. "Here let me." He grabbed her plate and threw its leftovers away into the compost pile and placed her plate with the other dirty ones before returning with a big, proud smile.

"Thanks," Mia told him and returned his grin.

"No problem," Thomas replied and they sat down on a log together, staring at the fire.

"I wish all the lost boys were like you," she said out of the blue. "Maybe Pan should start a Cotillion class or something."

"A what?" Thomas asked and looked at her skeptically.

"It's nothing," Mia replied, waving it off. "Just some silly manners class that my mom sent me to when I was in middle school."

Thomas scrunched up his nose. "That sounds terrible. I'm sorry."

Mia laughed because he was acting like she was receiving a painful punishment. "It wasn't that bad," Mia stated and nudged him lightly on the shoulder. "We learned how to dance, introduce each other properly, and which utensil is used for what when eating..."

"Ah, so you know how to dance?" Thomas asked slyly and smirked down at her, the flickering orange light of the fire highlighting and shadowing his face handsomely.

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