Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21

Rumpelstiltskin had been the man in the black cloak all along.

His skin was the color of a sickly greenish yellow as if he hadn't seen the sunlight in decades and his teeth were rotting out of his skull with only a few yellow or brown ones left. To finish off his disturbing appearance, he had only a few thin strands of greasy, light hair on top of his rather bald head along with a pair of creepy yellow eyes in deep set sockets.

Rumpelstiltskin whipped his head around and faced Mia, angry and scary looking as if he was the embodiment of death itself.

"You were supposed to do your job, you witch!" he yelled angrily, flailing his thin arms in a crazed manner and clawing at the air. "You were supposed to do your job! I will win! I always win!"

Mia easily jumped back from his attacks, scared and also confused.

Rumpelstiltskin was furious that his plan wasn't working. For all he knew, Mia had somehow broken through his enchantment and his two buffoons weren't doing their jobs. If it weren't for them not doing what they were told, he knew he would've succeeded and he was ready to kill everyone for them getting in his way.

"You're insane," Pan hissed, glancing between him and Mia, relieved to finally being able to see her alive and seemingly unscathed.

Rumpelstiltskin laughed and said, "Insane? INSANE? Do you want to know what's insane? My brother chose love over power! I should've gotten his powers! I would've used them to their full potential but magic chose the wrong brother!"

"Magic does not make mistakes," Big Chief spoke up and eyed the crazed man, while also noticing his daughter's sudden disappearance. He stole a glance at Mia knowingly, but made no other acknowledgement towards her.

"Then how do you explain how I tricked him? Huh?"

"You didn't trick him. You threatened to hurt his child," Big Chief replied and took a step forward, raising his sworded hand. "A good father will always do what's necessary for his child's safety."

It was Pan's turn to speak up, and he did so greedily. "You threatened to take his child just like you've done with all your past victims. It's what you did with Tiger Lilly and it's what you'll always do." He took a step forward next to Big Chief. "You're a coward to threaten the defenseless and your cowardice ends hear."

Mia gazed at the floundering cloak and cocked her head. Curiously, she reached out an invisible hand and when her magic made contact with it, it sparked like a flame.

There was life in it. She could feel it. The cloak was alive.

Pan pointed his gleaming sword at Rumpelstiltskin, square with his chest. "I'm going to kill you," he hissed as a promise, meaning every word.

"Go ahead." The said man laughed, holding out his arms with slightly bent elbows mockingly.

Mia reached down and grasped onto the cloak with her hands and nearly passed out from the magic that flowed through her from its contact. She reach inside and attached her own energy to the life force inside by a mere string, pulling it and guiding it out of the as it trustingly held onto her for dear life.

It seemed that whatever power that the cloak had given him, Rumpelstiltskin still had some left in him as he transported back and forth while Pan attacked him, appearing out of thin air in some spots before sending magic Pan's way to taunt him. Never enough to kill but always enough to hurt.

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