Chapter Nine

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May I just say, R.I.P Christina Grimmie... I was complete shocked and saddened by her death. It feels just like yesterday I was watching her on "The Voice"... She had so much talent that she had yet to share with this world. It's a shame we will never see it... :(

And my heart goes out to everyone in Orlando. I know it's hard and a lot of people are grieving, but we must remember to not let fear overrule us. That's what they want. We cannot let them win; we must stay strong.

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Mia despised dresses. Even when she was going through her princess phase in kindergarten, she despised how limited she felt in them. Once when she was little, she wore one (after a lot of persuasion from her mum) for Easter when she was four, but she learned that day very quickly that she was, in fact, not Marilyn Monroe...

"Why exactly do I have to wear a dress, again?" Mia asked for the fifth time that night, sprawled out on her small bed to try to delay herself from having to change.

"Because it's Neverland's birthday, duh. Now stop asking that same damn question," Thomas replied with a groan and rubbed his tired face. Despite his response, his face still held a grin.

The other lost boys were still bathing in the lake and getting ready for the big celebration, so the duo currently had the entire hidden, underground base to themselves. Thomas lied and told Mia that he had taken his bath earlier so that he wouldn't have to wash with the other boys. But really he only did it because he wanted to hang out with Mia a whole lot more that be surrounded by stupid, naked teenage boys who somehow made everything a game or joke.

"But I just don't understand. Why does Pan make you dress up once a year for an island's birthday?" Mia said, scrunching up her face in confusion. "Why can't you guys just smell and look crap-ish as always? Isn't that the style trend here?"

"Hey!" Thomas cried out, offended, and lifted his arm to smell his pit. He pulled back, quickly masking a face of disgust when Mia looked at him expectantly. "Ok, so you may have a point about the smell. But I certainly do not look 'crap-ish'." He leaned against the bed post, staring down at her with a friendly glint in his eyes.

"Oh?" Mia responded teasingly. "But I was right about the smell so who's to say I'm not right about the looks?"

Thomas stuck his tongue out in a childish manner and laughed boyishly. "Oh, please. I'm the best looking boy on this entire island. Not even Hook can compare to my beauty!" He let out a dramaticly loud sigh, brought a hand to grasp his chest right over where his heart would be, and fluttered his dark eyelashes at her suggestively, swooning.

"Uh huh. Tell that to the zit on your forehead."

He gasped and felt around his forehead. Mia laughed. "It's not funny," he whined. After Thomas was reassured that there were no signs of any red markings on his face, he quickly stood upright and tossed his shirt to the other side of the room and into the massive laundry pile in the corner.

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