Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

"Magic is many things. It's dark, it's light, a figure of the imagination, and a reality all at the same time and so on. It all depends on how you interpret it and believe not only in magic but in yourself," the cloak man went on to instruct, pacing slowly in front of her like a teacher to his student.

After Mia agreed to him training her, he had taken her to a clearing in the woods. It was a surprisingly large clearing surrounded by a circle of abnormally thick trees that were all twisted together to created a sort of wall.

"Magic is apart of us, some more than others. It is apart of the energy that runs through every living things, connected to our very souls. See that tree? It has magic. A very little amount, but nonetheless it's there and giving it the ability to live. That bird—magic. That rabbit—magic. You—magic."

His lesson was surprisingly intriguing and Mia was eager to learn more. She looked around at on the plants and trees around her. All this time she'd been overwhelmed to live on an island made up of pure magic when really she'd been surrounded by magic her whole life. She knew she'd never be able to see Earth the same again, now suddenly seeming full of possibilities.

"First thing is first. You must connect with your magic, root yourself to what you ate. Try to feel it running through your veins, grounding you to the earth beneath you, and allowing your muscles to move as you inhale its gift. It is apart of you just as your brain. Feel the vibration of its energy."

Mia closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on herself, much like you'd do in meditation. Slowly but surely she could feel her body begin to vibrate and when she opened her eyes everything looked the same but didn't feel the same. The ground beneath her was buzzing and she realized it was the grass and the trees and bushes were doing it also, but just a bit weaker than her. It wasn't a typical thrumming feeling, it's hard to elucidate, but it was definitely an exceptional feeling, one that would be hard to forget.

"Impressive. You connected with magic even faster than I did," he said, sounding genuinely impressed.

His energy was very strange to Mia. It was different from both hers and the plants. It was angry and very, very dark, like a clashing of two different forces coming together. It made her slightly quiver from the energy of it but she held her chin up. She was done being the weak one. For once, she wanted to be strong.

"The easiest and most simple magic is to conjure up fire. In order to make fire, you must take that energy and conform it into what you want. Try to take all the pain that you've experience into your thoughts. Imagine it all burning—all the anger, betrayal, heartbreak andmloss. Think hard."

She did. Mia really did. But no matter how many times she tried, nothing happened. It was getting to a point where she was more frustrated that anything else and couldn't concentrate anymore, the vibrations of the things around her slightly fading.

"You're thinking too much. Focus."

The cloaked man only frustrated her more and finally she sighed in defeat, her brain throbbing in her skull. It felt like she'd been standing there forever and she still felt weak from being tied to a chair and malnourished for so long. The only grace he'd given her, was allowing her to use the bathroom before the came out there.

"I can't. I can't do it," Mia breathed. She felt drained like she'd ran an entire marathon. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry out in frustration. Mia knew that in order to learn magic she'd have to be stronger and not give up as easily. But she also knew it'd take time to achieve that mindset, and now definitely wasn't it.

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