Chapter Thirteen

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I would like to shout out to fulltimeoncer because I've been struggling for a while and her comment inspired me to post this chapter. So thank you! And if you're a big fan of ouat's Peter Pan (which I'm sure most of you are :)) I would also like to recommend her books because I think they're amazing!

Chapter 13

Mia was woken up that morning with her shoulder being shaken violently by a familiar, rough hand. She groaned and swatted at the person. She was in no mood to be awake. Her muscles were still sore from sparring the night before and the last thing she wanted to do was move her aching muscles from their extremely comfortable position.

"Get up!"

Mia rolled her eyes. It was the annoying voice of none other than Captain Hook himself. She raised her head to glare at him, her anger at the one-handed pirate fueling her energy.

The cloaked man was away on another one of his 'business trips' and he had put Hook in charge of her, making sure she got up, ate, and trained. It was confusing how one moment the cloaked man would disappear without any word and then just reappear as if his absents never existed. Sometimes it took him a day or two before he returned and other times is only took him as short as thirty minutes.

After being in his strange inhabitants for a while, Mia grew a strong dislike for Rufio and Hook the more she got to know them.

Rufio always stayed silent. But it wasn't the type of pleasant or calm silence that you could relax in and just mull about life. It was the kind that sent shivers up your spine just by the empty look in his eyes, confirming that he was without a soul. Rufio was a killer, no doubt, and he was exceptionally craving the opportunity to drive his dagger through her chest cavity. His eyes always scanned her up and down as if he ways thinking of all the different ways of killing her or worse. Mia always made sure to never be left alone with him, scared of what he'd attempt to do to her if she did.

Hook on the other hand was different. He was a bastard, yeah. But he was more sarcastic and annoying than anything else—like an annoying older brother. He never scared her—even after his lame attempts at threatening her—but always found a way to get on Mia's last nerves instead of simulating fear. She was pretty sure that the fact that he didn't scare her made him try harder for her to hate him even more. To her it made no sense why someone would waste their time trying to get people to hate them. But that was his problem, she supposed.

His blue eyes stared right back at her and Mia stared right back with the same intensity. He couldn't scare her even if he tried, which he did and failed every time.

"Get up," he repeated slowly at a low tone, pausing between his words. "The master wants you fed before your next lesson which starts in less than an hour."

His silver hook glimmered in the soft candle light and Mia's eyes were instantly drawn to it.

Hook must've noticed her stare because he stood up and hid his hooked prosthetic under his coat. "Breakfast is on the table. Don't be late. You know where to find him," he drawled and walked out swiftly, slamming the door on his way out.

Mia pulled the comforter off of her and began to get ready as she was instructed, dressing in her usual blouse and black pants. When she was finished, she ran out, grabbed a piece of banana bread off the table next to the door, (her favorite), and went outside where the cloaked man stood, his back facing her and his pale hands clasped behind his back.

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