Chapter Nineteen

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Sorry for another wait... Thank you for sticking with me this far. Xx

Chapter 19

Rufio had always hated Neverland—even when he was a Lost Boy.

He always had hated the humid temperature and the animals. But most of all he hated the fact that he was always stuck living in his brother's shadow... literally. And unlike his brother, he had no ties or magic connected to the island and was as powerless as a typical Lost Boy.

Being the infamous Peter Pan's brother came with its many disadvantages such as always being hated everywhere else when anyone found out the truth about his only sibling.

The smell of dirt and the sticky air of an incoming storm slapped against his face as he trekked through the Neverland woods, creating a gleam of sweat on his forehead. His boots were covered in thick mud, not that he cared.

The bright red feather braided into his long, dark hair could be seen in the corner of his eye blowing in the wind. A knife was sheathed in the waist of his pants and hidden underneath his shirt. Another was placed in his left boot and he could feel the smooth, cool metal rub against his ankle bone.

He whistled an old tune he had heard once in his childhood, a song his mother had hummed often. Immediately a chorus of birds mimicked the exact tune and pitch perfectly and soon an echo of the sad lullaby echoed throughout the entire forest.

His back froze, and for the first time that day he stood still and listened.

It was like his mother was haunting him.

Rufio loudly cursed up at the hidden birds beneath the green leaves and branches when they didn't stop.

"Stupid pigeons," he muttered angrily and spat onto the ground, watching with observant eyes as the earth soaked it right up.

"I believe they are called mockingbirds, actually."

Rufio turned and glared at Hook. He had almost forgotten about his presence up until that point.

Hook's hand and hook went up in defense. "Just saying," he added quickly with a smug grin and walked past a now fuming Rufio.

"Don't you have anything better to do like stick that hook of yours up your—"

"You know," Hook interrupted, stopping suddenly, and put his only hand on his hip, "I think everything will all work out the way it's meant to." He stared off into the distance with his back turned towards Rufio so he wouldn't see his sly smile.

Rufio rolled his eyes while having fantasies about driving his dagger through the pirate's back when he was distracted. "Whatever." He clicked his tongue. "As long as I get the honor of watching the life leave my brother's eyes," he chuckled darkly, "I will be very—very—satisfied."

Hook's nose scrunched up and he turned to face the merciless teenager. "When I was with my brother I just wanted to play backgammon. But I guess everyone has their... hobbies."

"Shut up, pirate," Rufio snapped. "You're distracting me from the mission."

"Of course, mate. My apologies," Hook stated with a grin that said otherwise. "It's just funny to me."

"What?" Rufio asked more like a growl.

"Well, with that attitude, I don't want to tell you anymore..." Hook trailed off and Rudio scoffed, not caring in the slightest about what the captain had to say.

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