Chapter 5: Yes

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Everyone had finally left the studio around 5:50 so I decided to lock up, go home shower, and come to wal mart. I have on a red ribbed tank top and some navy blue and red striped Nike shorts, with some navy blue Nike slides and all black Nike socks. And my weave is pulled and brushed back into a neat bun. Getting greetings from people, taking pictures and all that I grabbed my buggy and headed to the food section.

I got all types of snacks for the girls night I'm having with: Kellita, Kalia, Analaa, and Ania. It was supposed to be only me and the kids but I guess my sister and best friend wanted to come too. My buggy halfway filled with junk food, I went to the frozen food section and got; wings, totinos pizzas, and ice cream.

10 minutes later I headed to the toy section and got some board games: sorry, monopoly, chutes and ladders, and charades. I also grabbed uno cards and playing cards. We having fun tonight. "You know I'm starting to think you're following me." I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around and came face to face with Jamaica. Arora was walking next to her giving me a wide toothy smile. I waved at her and she waved back. "No actually sweetie I'm not following you. I'm living a normal life by going to a grocery store when I need something." I laughed as I pushed my buggy down the aisle that contains make up stuff. She followed.

"I know you're not gonna get some make up and nail Polish are you? Or are you following me?" I asked her playfully. "Actually no. Im living a normal life and asking a beautiful woman if she wanted to go on a date with me." She mocked me. But her words they stuck to me like a moth to a flame. "I'm appalled. You know I'm in a relationship." I said trying to hide the obvious smile on my face.

"But are you happy?" "Very."I lied as I knocked stuff over. Her words were making delirious and my hands were starting to shake. "Li-listen Jam-maica I g-gotta go." I stuttering as I shoved finger nail polishes in my buggy. I started pushing fast to an open line and stood there throwing more candy bars and magazines in. But damn I forgot to get a new Bluetooth speaker. My old one gone have to do cause I refuse to bump into Jamaica again.
"Mommy did Auntie tell you about her new girlfriend?" Ania asked her mom causing me, Analaa, and Kellita to choke on the spaghetti I cooked up. The grown ups gave me this look with their eyebrows raised. I looked over at Ania and gave her the death glare but all she did was smile. "Tell it bae! Tell it all!" Analaa laughed as she egged Ania on.

"Well Auntie says she's Arora's Auntie but she comes to the dance studio everyday. And they have private conversations and they hug and smile at each other." She said as she started back eating. Kellita and Analaa both stared at me. "Thats why Kalia my favorite cause she know how to keep her mouth closed." I laughed fist bumping Kalia.

"Thats alright hoe my baby supposed to tell it!" Analaa laughed high fiving Ania. I shot her a bird and continued eating. "I know you not talking about that fine ass stud! What was her name? ... Jamaica! Booooy she can get iiiiiit!" Kellita squealed being all dramatic. "Don't talk like that around my babies!" I scolded Kellita throwing a bread stick at her. She returned the gesture and bread sticks went to flying.

"Y'all chicken heads cleaning my house too." I laughed picking up a breadstick eating it. "So for real Ya Ya.. You got a new girl but ain't tell us?" Analaa asked. I shook my head no to her and explained everything that's been going on. Not shedding one tear cause I'm fed up with Patience. Just as I finished up the doorbell rung.

"Watch how thats fina be Patience fina kick your ass." Analaa laughed as they all got up to get the kitchen cleaned. I walked over to the door and opened it without looking out the peep hole. And just my luck Patience Miller was standing on my porch with a red face drenched with tears. I looked back and stepped out closing the door behind me.

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