"Bae you wanna have kids one day?" Jamaica asked catching me off guard. I nearly dropped Goddess to the floor. "Why you ask that Maica?" I asked rocking Goddess slowly as her hazel eyelids slowly closed. "I asked cause look at you... All you do is talk and play with Goddess. You do to want me to feed or change her no none. I'm jealous." Her words made me laugh but then I thought about it.
She's right, I do want to have kids but I don't know if I want to have them myself. I love kids more than anything. "Yea I want kids. Why not but I don't know... I want them but don't wanna have them." I finally replied after coming up with a good answer. She looked me up and down but didn't say anything. So I kept feeding Goddess until the door bell rung.
For some reason my heart dropped. I felt like something was kinda off. I sat down with the baby while Jamaica got up to answer it. From the couch I heard a loud shriek followed by sobs. My head told me to sit down and wait but my body picked itself up and there me and Goddess went.
I made it to the front door and watched as my sister laid on the floor tears streaming down her face. The first thing that popped in my head was 'Momma'. "Get her." I dropped Goddess in Jamaica's hands and grabbed my keys hanging on the key rack and stormed out the door to my car."Lord please don't let it be my momma." I mumbled as I pulled my car outta the driveway. I know I'm wrong for not helping my sister but I already know what's going on. Last time she broke down like that momma was in the hospital, half alive because she had a stroke.
Speeding down the road my 30 minute drive took 15. No time to waist time I sprinted up the stairs to the old folks home and barged in just as the paramedics was weaving a gurney with a body under the white covers. The person looked too big and long to be my momma so I ran quickly to their room. There she was. My mom sitting on her bed reading while my dad stood by the window watching the ambulance leave. False alarm.
"Hello Ms. Nurse. You look like you're having a bad day." My mom said not recognizing me. Even though that hurts I hugged her and made my way over to my dad. Who still hadn't acknowledged my appearance. "Hey pops why was Analaa crying? Do you know?" I asked after hugging him.
"I had a dream that, that little girl of hers was gonna be in some kind of trouble but I didn't know what. I called Nalaa this morning and when she went to check on her to get her up for school she wasn't there." My heart stopped, my body froze. This can't be happening it can't be. Why would somebody take my neice? She never hurt anybody. Is it retaliation? Or what cause you can't take no 8 year old little girl like that for nothing.
"I love you pops I gotta go." I kissed his cheek and waved to my mom. If neither of them is hurt then what in the hell is goin on somebody please tell me something. As I made my way back home I thought of all the different scenarios of what tf could be going on. There was only one person I could call at this time. ... Romeo.
"Wussup Lil Cuhh?" He coughed into the phone. Obviously smoking, big ass weed head.
"Ania went missing. My dad say it was this morning." I spoke into the phone avoiding the hyperventilation that was starting up within me.
"Word?! Thats some boss ass shit to be pulling off. Aye... Ima handle this ASAP. Ima hit you back in bout 10." In the background he began shuffling. I heard clips being loaded and stuff being slammed down.
"Keep an eye on Patience. She's probably tryna get retaliation. From the incident in the club." I informed him as I pulled into my yard.
"Oh yeaa. Fusho. I already owe her a viso. Alright cuhh. Oh and I saw your ex Winter. She in your area. Ima keep an eye in her psycho ass too." He spoke as I heard doors opening and closing.
No further conversation I hung up and leaned my head on the steering wheel. "Why my family God? Why we gotta always go through problems?" I looked up towards the sky and felt my cheeks getting wet. I leaned over holding my stomach and cried even harder. I can't believe this. I ain't want them to see me like this so I leaned my car seat all the way back and balled up pulling my jacket over my legs and whole body. Sleep soon took over me.

A Woman's Worth (Book #1)
Random"Anybody can say I love you, but everybody ain't faithful." "Don't let anyone bring you down or break your barriers." "You are a phenomenal woman." "Be you and 20x more of you for you no one else."