"Wake up cry baby." Jamaica laughed as she shook me. I sat up and smiled at her. "Whaaat?" I groaned tryna turn back over. "Yeen sleepy. Get up." She said snatching the covers off of me. "I'm in pain Jamaica stooop." I whined. "Awww my poor baby. How bout this. Go take you a good shower ima change these sheets, order us some Chinese food, and give you the best massage ever." She told me smiling hard. I nodded my head and got up.
As soon as I stood up my knees got weak and I sat back down. She bust out laughing and I shot a bird at her. "This your fault Jamaica!" I yelled but started laughing too. "You'll be alright." She laughed snatching the sheets from the bed. I got up tryna walk again and succeeded but it was a lil funny I could tell.
As soon as I hit the shower I washed my body good. Scrubbing every crease and entrance. About 30 minutes later the water started to get cold so I got out doing my hygiene. I out on some purple Jean shorts, a white women's take top, and some all white ankle socks. I sat in the mirror combing my crazy weave and braided it back in two braids. I put my favorite studs in and made my way back to Jamaica's room where she stood by the tv looking for a movie for us to watch.
I cleared my throat causing her to jump. "Heeey sexy come here." She motioned for me to me come here. I did as told and stood in front of her. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "I was thinking...." she started but stopped.
I turned to face her and waited for her to speak. "I was thinking, that I want you to be my girl. Ion wanna rush you though... I see all the crap you just got out of and you need to clear your head. I'm willing to take it slow, build a steady friendship and trust then move forward from there. What you think? I know it's gonna be hard cause of what we just did but I was seduced." She smirked.
"I'd love that Jamaica. Thank you for being so understanding. And I didn't seduce you. You just fell into a trance." I smirked walking off seductively. She bit her lip and followed. Once we got out her room door I ran. She was gone try to start up again. I was outta breath laughing hard tryna get away from her.
"If I catch you, you gotta gimme some more!" She laughed still chasing me. I ran some more till I made it back to the living room and sat down. "Lets go out somewhere. Owe lets go to the mall!" I squealed as she buried her face in my neck kissing it. "Okaaay..." she sighed sliding her sock covered feet into her lime green and black Air Jordans that matched the rest of her clothes. I slid mine in my purple and white Nike shocks then grabbed my phone and wallet following her outside to her yellow and black camaro. I just saved myself cause just too freaky for her own good.
"Look at your ex staring at you.." Jamaica whispered wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I averted my gaze to where she was talking about and made eye contact with Patience. She was just staring hard as hell. I smiled weakly at her and wrapped my arm around Jamaica's waist."You so petty but you lucky I'm nice enough to do this..." she leaned and whispered in my ear. That caused a disruption cause Patience slammed whatever she had in her hand down and walked off. I ain't mean to hurt feelings.
Me and Jamaica let go and bust out laughing. "You gone make that girl lose her mind!" Jamaica laughed even harder now. I shook my head and went into Charlotte Russe. "Well hello!" Kellita screamed nearly causing me to have a heart attack.
"Hey boo.. wussup?" I asked nervously while she stared Jamaica up and down. "Uh uh. Why you here with her? You think you slick. I heard from around the way that your house was burned down where you staying?" She just kept talking not even letting me say anything. "And then look at ya walk. Y'all nasty. Ew. I can't believe my "best friend" got a secret love life." She remarked in disbelief.
I shook my head and snatched her arm pulling her to the dressing room. "Listen. I don't have a secret love life we just friends. Yes my house burned down Patience dumb ass did it. I'm staying with Jamaica. I ain't want yall to know just yet cause I got a plan. And lastly my walk. Girl." I slapped my forehead and chuckled.
"All I can say is bruuuuh. Best friend I was crying. Like a bitch. I thought I was gone die.." I laughed so hard holding my stomach. Her frown soon turned into a smile and I gave some vivid detail. "Damn best friend I wanna be like you when I grow up!" She said still crackin up. We talked for a little longer and then she left like she was doing before she saw me.
"You like these?" Jamaica asked holding up like 10 shirts. They all were my size too."Yea they cute who them for?" "I just know ion wear female clothes." She replied smartly. I smiled at her and nodded my head letting her know I actually did like them.
About 7 bags a piece later we were walking outta the mall side by side laughing at how Kellita approached me. We was acting it out, I was Kellita she was me.
"Uh uh. Why you here with her? You think you slick. I heard from around the way that your house was burned down where you staying? And then look at ya walk. Y'all nasty. Ew. I can't believe my "best friend" got a secret love life." I mocked Kellita the best I could.
Jamaica pulled me to I'm guessing the fake dressing room and posed like a girl. "Biiiitch let me tell you. Patience ass was the one who burned my house down. And I'm staying with Jamaica fiiiine ass. Yaaas. And girl I'm walking like this cause Jamaica strap game off thee hinges biiitch!" She said all this in the most girly voice ever. "I did not say that. And as a matter of a fact. It aint all that. Its average." I lied.. tilting my head up and walking to the car.
Her mouth had dropped and she looked like she was ready to kill me. "Oh snap somebody done got some balls! You wasn't saying all that when you was tryna run!" She laughed crankin up the car. I fake yawned as she backed outta the parking lot. The rest of the ride was silent I guess I struck a nerve.
"Aww I was kiddin Jamaica. Your strap game waaay past on point." I reassured her. She rolled her eyes and kept driving till we got to her house.
..... Let's just say I wont be walking for a couple days.. Annnnd she need a new head board...
Sorry it's short. I ain't really feeling this chapter. It was just a filler for the next chapter!

A Woman's Worth (Book #1)
Random"Anybody can say I love you, but everybody ain't faithful." "Don't let anyone bring you down or break your barriers." "You are a phenomenal woman." "Be you and 20x more of you for you no one else."