(In the media is 'When it rains' by Tink! If you haven't already check out her music!)
Staring down the barrel of the gun had me stuck. I aint know whether to talk or whether to stay quiet. Yes I was afraid but it wouldn't be worse than the pain I feel right now. "Yo ass all quiet now huh." She spat through clenched teeth. "Yeen gone kill me Patience. Yeen stupid." I half whispered.
"Oh yea?" She scoffed taking the gun off safety. I flinched a little but noticed her hand started to shake. She can't and won't do it. I backed up some and she started to lower the gun. Her eyes got wide as she looked behind me I turned around and saw Jamaica pointing her guns up at Patience. Not one but two! Wait when the hell did she get those?!
"I advice you to gather yourself and get the hell out or it's gone be some problems. All these kids here and you pull out a gun. You lucky they in those rooms. Get the hell out." Jamaica snapped. Patience rolled her eyes and stepped back. "Ill see you when I see you." Patience whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and ran into the arms of Jamaica. I tried to hold it in but the tears spoke for themselves.
"Its okay ma. You can stay with me till things get better. I promise you won't regret it. The policeman gave me the key to the U-Haul. Ill take it to the house and load your stuff into the guest room. Don't worry I gotcha."she whispered rubbing my arm. I let out a slow sigh and watched as she left in the U-Haul. My whole mind was blank all I could think of was hurting somebody.
The rest of the girls left before sunset hit and that gave me extra time to get things outta my office and board up the studio. Patience is all about retaliation so I know this where she hitting next. I turned the security cameras on, left a note saying practices are cancelled till further notice, and left the building heading to Jamaica's house so I could take her back to get her car.
Moments later I pulled into the driveway and watched Jamaica carry my things back and forth. She had on some black and yellow joggin pants and a matching sports bra. Her body was glistening with sweat had her looking all tasty with her sexy self. I finally got out the car and helped her carry the rest of my things into the house.
Around 8:10 we were finished with everything. The guest room was filled so I told her ima sleep on the couch. She disagreed but I insisted. "You hungry?"Jamaica asked breaking the stare I was holding with the wall. I shook my head no and she did the same. "You cant do this to yourself. How bout you tell me the history of you two and ill give you the best advice ever." She said sitting next to me taking my feet into her hands.. That sounded like a plan.
"Well we met when I was in high school. I had a girlfriend named Winter. She beat me and all kinds of stuff. Thats how I met Patience. Me and Winter were leaving a restaurant when she cocked back a punched me in the face sending me to the floor. All because Patience looked at me. I guess she was on the block hustlin. Cause she came and pistol whooped Winter. That day forward it was me and her. I was 16." I told her smiling thinking about the times we had. She nodded while continuing to massage my feet.
"Everything was amazing. We planned a future together and all. Like she took her time with me. We never did anything I wasn't ready for and I appreciated her for that. But then one night she started telling me about her ex. I forgot her name. She told me that they never broke up the girl just moved away. So one day the girl just mysteriously popped up and that's when Patience started to change. She started being mean, aggressive, she started lien and cheating. It was bad. We were together 8 years. 4 was amazing but the last 4 were terrible. I let her run over me and do what she wanted to do. But I was afraid of losing her. She was all I had. But then I got my shit together one day after my sister called me a dumb ass... I mean yea we still had sex but I stopped anything else. Ion want nothing with her. I don't even wanna see her face." I explained starting to cry.

A Woman's Worth (Book #1)
Random"Anybody can say I love you, but everybody ain't faithful." "Don't let anyone bring you down or break your barriers." "You are a phenomenal woman." "Be you and 20x more of you for you no one else."