Chapter Five (Dick Grayson/Robin's perspective)

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“That was so bizarre” I thought to myself as I sped out of the diner parking lot on my motor bike. Ariebelle Bo, or Annie as she always went by, she was so unique. She wasn’t vain and egotistical like half of the other girls at school. And then when I was saving her with Bruce, she kissed me! This girl was definantly a mystery and I was determined to find out more.

I reached the garage of Wayne Manor and parked my bike. After putting my helmet away and entering the manor, I was met by Alfred.

“Master Dick, Bruce would like to see you” he said with humanity. I nodded and walked through the massive hallways that I was lucky enough to call home, until I reached the study.

“How did your project go?” Bruce asked with sincerity. Bruce always seemed to be interested in what I was doing, not that I minded.

“Fine” I replied “we actually got a good amount done before she had to go to work.”

“Oh I see, a female partner for this project? Well be careful Dick, They’ll eat your heart out” Bruce said with a chuckle. He was very solemn as Batman but when he was just Bruce, a little bit of his personality actually shined through.

“It’s not like that-” I started to say as I was cut off by the beeping of Bruce’s pager.

“Looks like the bat signal was spotted.” Bruce interjected.

“Duty calls” I said with a lighthearted laugh as Bruce opened the statue of William Shakespeare that was on the desk, the way to enter the batcave. I suddenly remembered the time I had spent with Annie. When she had mentioned the bust of Shakespeare, I was shocked. It was like she knew that was how to enter the batcave!

“Come on!” Bruce said as he shook me from my daze. We ran into the secret entrance of the bat cave and became the caped crusaders.

Moments later, we were atop the roof of the police station, speaking to Commissioner Gordon.

“The Riddler has been spotted with a van of henchmen, heading towards Gotham National Bank. It appears he is going to try to rob it!” The Commissioner said with frantic worry.

“We’re on it” Batman said and we turned to leave.

“Wait, Batman!” The Commissioner interjected.  “We received a tip that Poison Ivy has taken the workers of a nuclear plant hostage.”

“Holy Double Trouble!” I exclaimed, “What do we do, Batman?” I asked curiously.

Batman turned to me and asked in his disguised voice “Do you think you can handle Ivy by yourself?”

I saw the opportunity that was being presented to me and replied “Of course, Batman!”

Batman looked at me with unsure eyes and then hesitantly said “Okay, Commissioner. Is that all?”. The Commissioner nodded and then I was off with the night.

Eventually, I reached the nuclear power plant and I went into stealth mode. I climbed to the rafters of the ceiling and spotted Poison Ivy. She was beautiful, for a murdering plant obsessed lunatic.  I could hear her talking and I tried to listen in.

“Now my little lilies” She said to her henchmen “I think it’s time we teach these little plant killers a lesson”. It was clear that this was another crime fuelled by passion. She couldn’t stand the thought of scientists experimenting on plants, even if it was to find a sustainable clean energy source. I let out one of my iconic laughs as I swooped down to attack her henchmen.

“Not if I can help it” I replied as I dodged a punch from a massive man dressed in a flower costume, it was really quite comical. Another henchman tried to grab me and I dodged it by doing a back handspring. My skills as a former acrobat always came in handy when crime fighting.

After successfully taking down several of Ivy’s henchmen, only Ivy herself and one other henchman remained standing. I dodged his fists by doing a flip, then I landed a sharp kick to his stomach and it looked like I would be the victor, until Ivy interfered.

Using her potent plant powers, she wrapped a thorny vine around my ankle. The next thing I knew I was ensnared in vines and unable to balance, I fell over with a thud.

I desperately tried to free myself from the plants grip but it was no use. The last remaining henchman had regained his stability and was now standing over me.

“Looks like our little Robin is stuck in my Venus Fly Trap!” Ivy said as she began to cackle, I began to wonder why all of Batman’s villains had to make such terrible puns. Ivy’s henchman then landed a sharp kick to my side, his steel toed boot was clearly going to leave a mark.

The henchman kept kicking me in the sides and I feared that I would soon become unconscious, the pain was excoriating.

“Enough!” Ivy hollered as I was on the brink of blacking out. I was shocked, why was she stopping her henchman from killing me? “I want to see the light leave my little Robin’s eyes as he dies” Ivy said with venom in her heart.

“Fantastic” I thought to myself.

Poison Ivy manipulated the vines that were holding me to twist so I was being held upright, facing her. She approached me. She lifted her finger and stroked my face.

“Batman’s Little Robin, time to die” She said as she began to cackle. The grip of the vines on my left hand was slightly weakened because of Ivy’s lack of concentration.

I seized the opportunity. I quickly reached into my utility belt and pulled out one of the many “toys”. I threw it at Ivy. The weapon exploded and embedded Poison Ivy in ice. After that I was able to quickly defeat her last remaining henchman.

“Looks like your plan has been put on ice, Ivy” I scoffed with a smirk. What was crime fighting without a few horrible puns?

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