Chapter Thirty

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Jester's POV

My heart thumped against my rib cage, driblets of sweat ran down my spine. I steadied my finger on the trigger of the gun, I had the upperhand, no mythical bat man was going to get the best of me.

My eyes glanced to the scared boy on the other side of the gun’s barrel. He always concealed his fear, trying to pretend it didn’t exist but I knew it was there. I could see it in his teary eyes, he knew this was the end.

Joker stood next to the big machine, the eerie grin plastered on his face rubbed me the wrong way...why did he seem so obnoxious? Harley draped herself onto him and he of course paid no attention to her. I felt bad for her but I didn’t know why.

Riddler looked anxious, like he had confidence in the plan but also knew what the odds where when up against the Batman. His eyes darted back and forth from the door to Robin to me. He feared the vengeance of the bat who knew his little bird was in danger.

And then just like that, the only entrance to the small room, the metal door flung open. the figure of the large man was in the doorway.

He lunged but I fired a bullet, intentionally missing the skull of the teenage boy, it was a warning shot. Batman stood dead in his tracks, knowing he was not quick enough to save the boy if I wanted to kill him. Joker then took over.

“Hello, Hello, Hello Batsy!” He exclaimed shrilly. He pushed Harley off of him and began to frolic around the room. He looked like he was in his natural habitat.

“Let him go, Joker. He’s just a boy” Batman said, I may be wrong but I swear there was a hint of emotion in his voice.

“!” Joker frowned. “I haven’t even told you the plan yet! Look at this big machine! Don’t you want to know what it does? If I just push this button, right here…” his fingers danced along the edges of cliche red button. He rolled his eyes dramatically.

“of course not! You only care about your little brat! But oh boy, is that about to change!”

Batman just stood stone-faced in the same position, Joker went on to explain, constantly keeping eye contact with him.

“Well you see, Batsy, it all started with my dear little Jester over there” His crooked grin beamed at me, I couldn’t figure out why but all I felt was disgust and not the sheer admiration I had recently known.

Batman’s eyes made contact with mine. His dark eyes had a sense of pleading in them, who could imagine the Batman silently pleading for mercy from me?

“Hell, I was just gonna use her to lure your little hormonal sidekick into the dark and then I could nice and slowly tear the Robby’s little wings off…” He gazed off as if he were day dreaming about torturing the boy.

I watched Robin’s eyes, still filling with watery tears, I could see the disgust and embarrassment he felt.  

“But then Harley let slip that her good friend Poison Ivy here had this neurotoxin that could completely suppress human urges--like free will-- and she needed a test subject. So I thought Robin’s girlfriend Annie here would be perfect, ya know?” It was like each of his words had wings attached to them and they were all flying around my head.

“I didn’t expect her to survive but imagine my shock when she did! So we made some more samples of that same product and placed it in this machine here, which will ‘distribute’ it to the rest of Gotham, and then we’ll really have a Joker army.. HAHAHAHAHA” he broke off into sadistic cackles.

My headache was coming back, this was all so confusing. My arms felt so heavy, why was holding the gun so hard? I was sweating profusely now, not cold sweat like before, but dripping with warm sweat. My temperature just kept rising and I just kept getting angrier and angrier and I didn’t know why.

“So now you get to choose, Batman” Joker said, his finger placed on the dramatic red button.

“You can either save Robin from getting a bullet in his head….or you can save the rest of the city from becoming mine”


hi you hate me?


I know it's literally been months but my computer broke in the beginning of summer and it took forever to get it fixed and then school started and I've just been really busy and blah blah blah excuses excuses

BUT HEY! I'm back now! So expect updates more often...and by more often I mean less than 3 months apart :)

This chapter was really short, sorry about that, I just kinda wanted to put something out there to say hey I'm back and I didn't forget about the story

anywho, please keep reading it and commenting on it because it literally makes my day when you guys do and I cannot express how greatful I am for you guys sticking around while I have been gone.


With regards,


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