Chapter Nineteen

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Jester's POV:

My eyes darted from face to face of the people sitting before me. There was only one lady among them, her skin was tinted a strange shade of green and her clothes looked like they were made of vines and leaves. They were an odd bunch, that was for sure.

Harley took a seat next to the green looking woman and Joker sat beside Harley. I stood behind both of them.

“Do continue” Joker said with a sneer. It looked like everyone in the room was slightly intimidated by his presence, although they pretended not to be.

Smoke filled the room as a short, chubby man sitting across the table pulled a cigar out of his mouth. His outfit was a high class tuxedo with a purple top hat and a yellow bow tie. The suit made him look like a penguin.

“As I was saying…” the penguin man began to speak, his voice raspy from smoking so much.

“How is this little pipsqueak—” He pointed a short, stubby finger at me. “—supposed to be able to take down the bat, when our best couldn’t do it?”

I was slightly shocked as I realized that the meeting had been adjourned to discuss my task of getting revenge on the Batman. All these people were apparently here to help me. But this penguin guy, I didn’t like his tone. I made a mental note to teach him a lesson.

“Oh you’d be surprised what my spores can be compelled to do once they’ve suppressed the neurotoxins in the brain” the green lady said, her voice acted like a magnet, drawing my eyes to make contact with hers. They glowed green just like mine.

Her voice sounded almost as amazing as the Jokers…almost. Something about her seemed bizarre, like I knew I shouldn’t trust her or like she was going to take Joker and Harley away. I broke eye contact and looked at the floor boards of the lower deck of the ship.

“Look at ‘er!” The Penguin exclaimed, “She’s barely over five feet tall!”

“So are you!” Harley responded to my defense. It was nice to have someone go to bat for you, even though I didn’t need it.

“Listen bitch!” the Penguin exclaimed, he was clearly offended.

I decided now was the time to teach him his lesson; no one insults me or my family.

I shot my hand across the table, snatching him by the wrist. He glared at me through his monocle, like he was going to make me regret what I had just done. He tugged on his wrist, expecting it to break free from my grasp; it didn’t. I grinned, smugly. I was stronger than him, I watched as this realization appeared on his face.

Still grinning, I picked up his burning cigar from its place in an ashtray on the table. The Penguin began to squirm as he realized what was coming next. I let out a slightly demonic chuckle and smashed the burning end of the cigar into the back of his hand. He let out a loud wail of pain.


Swiftly, I spun his wrist around so it was bending the wrong way. Penguin started bawling for mercy, in his own way.

“Let go, you stupid bitch!” he screamed.

I only pulled it harder, causing his breathing rate to increase significantly.

“Apologize to Harley…and me” I demanded, making it clear that I was in control. The others sitting around the table just watched, their faces carefully concealing their expressions.

After several refusals, Penguin finally muttered “s’rry” and I released him.

I resumed my place, leaning against the wall, and began twirling the braids that Harley had put in my hair.

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