Chapter Nine

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Dick Grayson/Robin's POV:

Annie did look stunning in blue, that was the only thing I could think about as I watched her get into a limo to her apartment. As I yanked open the door to Wayne Manor, my house, I began to recall the events of the night. There was dancing, something that I was completely mediocre at, and talking and then there was Annie kissing Dick Grayson, not Robin.

I made my way through the ,still, crowded ballroom, and decided it was time to go to bed. As I crawled into my bed, I couldn’t help but smile. The night had exceeded all of my expectations. I closed my eyes and thought of Annie.

I knew something was strange when Annie didn’t come to school on Monday. She had seemed perfectly healthy at the Ball on Friday, but maybe she got sick over the weekend? I thought to myself. The stomach bug was going around. Or maybe she was taking care of her brother? More and more possibilities began to run through my head and I let my worries drift away.

But then it was Wednesday, and she still hadn’t come to school. It killed her inside to miss one cheerleading practice, let alone three. When lunch rolled around, I decided to ask her closest friends if they knew anything.

 I caught up with Sabrina McAllister in the lunch line.  As I approached her, she quickly submerged herself in a deep conversation with her friend AKA she made it clear that she didn’t want to talk to me. But I didn’t care, I was worried about Annie and she was the only thing that mattered right then and there.

“Excuse me, Sabrina?” I said with a hint of frustration and a dash of indifference. She faced me and turned a bright shade of red. Her snotty friend let out a scoff.

“yes?” she replied with a bit of attitude, I honestly had no idea how Annie put up with these girls.

“Have you seen Annie at all lately? She hasn’t been at school the last few days and she’s not returning any of my calls” I said as I tried to remain civil.

 The girl standing next to Sabrina made one of the ugliest faces I had ever seen, and I’ve seen the Joker up close and personal, before saying “Jeeze, stalker much! Maybe she just doesn’t like you!” She then turned and walked off.

I could feel my patience sizzling to a boil, Sabrina must have had noticed it because she spoke to me with more courtesy. “No, I haven’t seen her. I’m sorry, Dick.” She then walked off to join the rest of her friends. She almost seemed sympathetic. By then I had decided that I needed to go to Annie’s apartment to make sure she was okay.

Darkness fell over Gotham City as I sprinted across rooftops, dressed as Robin of course. I tried to keep myself calm by thinking of realistic reason why Annie hadn’t been around the past three days. My sense of calmness deserted me when I arrived at Annie’s apartment door and found the lock busted.

I took a second to examine it. The Dark Knight was considered to be the greatest detective of all time, lucky for me he trained me well. By examining the busted lock, I could tell that it was smashed with massive force. Knowing that formed a lump in my throat.

I pushed open the door and entered the quiet apartment. I searched around and was puzzled by what I saw. There was no sign of a struggle, everything seemed to be in place except for the lock. I began to pace back and forth wondering what could have happened—that’s when I saw it. By the door, near a cheery welcome mat on the floor, a minuscule drop of dark red blood caught my attention.

I bend down to examine it. Carefully, I extracted the drop of blood from the floor and placed it into a vile. I prayed that an analysis of it at the Batcave would show that it wasn’t Annie’s, but the odds didn’t look like they were in my, or her, favor.

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