Chapter Twenty Three

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Jester’s POV:

I dashed along the cold Gotham City sidewalks as rain drizzled down on me. The sky was dark and the air was foggy but I could easily see the bright red and blue lights on the police cruiser.

I wasn’t sure if Scarecrow was still behind me or not, to be honest I didn’t really want to think about him. After that creep used his fear gas on me, I didn’t want anything to do with him. My target was Riddler and I would be damned if I wasn’t going to accomplish the task I had been given.

I slowed my running down and ducked down behind a cluster of trash cans and watched the police cruiser swerve into a parking lot and come to an abrupt stop. I squinted my eyes and read the closest sign I could see. It read “Gotham Memorial Hospital”.

I observed the area and looked for my chance to make an entrance. A leaf on the ground crackled behind me, then the self-proclaimed King of Fear appeared besides me.

“Thought you could leave me behind, did you?” He smirked cockily.

“was hoping to” I replied, irritated that I had to put up with him again.

I knew something was off with me since Scarecrow had poisoned me with his fear gas. There was the slightest feeling of doubt lodged somewhere inside me. I had the faintest feeling that I was in some sort of dream and I wasn’t really acting like myself; but I knew that couldn’t be true. I was Jester, I was the downfall of the great Caped Crusader and his little Robin.

“So what’s your plan here, little evil prodigy?” Scarecrow asked, he seemed completely enthralled with himself ever since he had drugged me. The quiet man that had sat in the corner of the room and barely talked during the meeting was completely gone.

“I’m thinking. Is there even a reason you’re still here? I can clearly handle this by myself and you don’t even seem to care about the plan that Joker made” I questioned.

“I’m here for Eddie” He replied, his tone of smugness had decayed slightly.

“Why do you care about Riddler?” I questioned again, I needed answers.

“I owe him a debt” He said vaguely and then refused to speak again.

I watched as the officer that I had followed stepped out of his cruiser. He jogged over to another man with graying hair who I recognized as the Police Commissioner. I tried to think of a stealthy way in but the entrances were all swarming with cops and people infected with some kind of toxin.

“These people are all infected with my fear gas! How the hell did Eddie get my toxin?!” Scarecrow whisper shouted.

As I watched the people in nearly every possible entrance, I quickly saw and opening and I took it.

I dodged out from behind the trash cans and ran across the road and into the parking lot. I was quick and no one had seen me. I knelt down behind the back of the police cruiser and waited for Crane to catch up. He knelt down next to me and shot me an accusatory look, as if he didn’t trust my planning skills. I did a double take from behind the cruiser and then made my move.

The idiot police officer had been so caught up with the panic and disarray of the hospital scene that he left the door to his cruiser open and the keys in the ignition. This was bad for him but good for me. I slid around the side of the car and into the driver’s seat. Crane managed to make it to the passenger seat.

 I shut the door loudly which got the cops attention as he looked over to me and shouted “Hey! She’s in my car!”

By then it was too late, I had already put the car into drive and put the pedal to the floor. Dozens of cops, including the Police Commissioner, had to jump out the cruisers path. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and a smirk slid across my face as we rapidly approached the side of the North Wing.

“What are you doing?” Scarecrow questioned, it was clear that he hadn’t worked out my plan yet.

“You’re not going to run into the building, are you?” He asked as he held onto the door handle for dear life.

I braced for impact as the cruiser slammed into the side of a weak stone wall. My head slammed into the dash board, but it didn’t matter because I already knew that I was “immune” to pain. Scarecrow, on the other hand was not. He was knocked unconscious by the crash.

That's one way to make an entrance.

I regained my senses after the impact and crawled out the windshield, successfully avoiding the shards of glass. I looked over at Crane, his head was cut up a bit and his eyes were closed but I could see that he was still breathing.

Do I leave him here? He did drug me with his stupid fear gas…but Joker probably needs him.

I crawled over to the passenger side of the cruiser and pulled him out. His body was limp in my arms. I scanned my surroundings and looked for something to pull him on. It was a good thing Riddler had decided to cause a scene at the hospital because lucky for me there was an abandoned wheelchair just sitting in the corner of the corridor that I had crashed the cruiser into. I slumped Crane in the wheelchair and pushed it in a random direction, hoping to find Riddler as soon as possible.

There were many shouts and random screams but they all came from different directions which didn’t help point me in the direction of Riddler.

But that’s when I heard his voice. The one who claimed that I was his beloved Annie, the one who I swore to myself that I would kill, the one that Batman loved. Robin.

I pressed my ear up to the door. It was definitely his voice, he was replying to strange questions that I could only assume the Riddler was asking. I let out a sigh of relief. I had found the Riddler. Now the only thing I needed to do was get him back to Joker safely, and to be honest I didn’t think I was capable of doing anything safely.


Author's Note:

Hello Lovelies!

Firstly, I'd just really like to thank everyone for reading and voting and commenting because it makes me really happy and gives me inspiration to keep working on the story so thank you! :)

Secondly, I'm really sorry that update took so long, school was just so crazy last month but I have good news! I will hopefully post the next chapter this weekend so yay for that 

Lastly, if anyone wants to make me a new cover, I would absolutly love it! So if anyone is interested just message me or whatever and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you and follow you so yeah!


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