Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note:
Sorry taking for ever to update! My computer broke but then i got it fixed. Hoping to update more frequently but we'll see what happens. Remember to comment, follow and vote! ;)

Robin POV:

After 'Jester' had made her mad dash out of the theater with the Joker and Harley, I was left standing in the dark wondering what the hell had just happened. I tried to look for the positives.

At least she's able to function, at least they didn't complete mash her brain.

But the negatives just kept outweighing the positives.

She thinks she's some sort of super-criminal. She wants to kill me for absolutely no reason and the Joker has got her completely brainwashed.

After a few more moments of brooding, Batman finally interjected my whirling thoughts. "We need to regroup." He said. I couldn't even see his face in the dark. "...this changes everything" he continued.

I let out a sigh and followed him to the Batmobile, we would go to the Batcave and yet again think of a way to stop Joker.

I rested my head against the window of the Batmobile, day-dreaming. That's when the Batmobile's computer voice turned on.

"Incoming emergency call from Jim Gordon" the robotic voice said

Then the call connected. Sirens wailed in the background, screams and yells were ear-melting and the sound of a helicopter could be heard over all the chaos.

The distressing sounds made Batman jerk the wheel abruptly.

"JIM! What's wrong?" he asked.

The frantic voice of the Police Commissioner came through the speakers.

"It's the Riddler...He's...He's..." The cell reception came and out, it was extremely difficult to make out what he was saying.

"Jim, what did he do?" Batman asked.

"He's taken death traps...never seen him like this before"

"Alright, we're on our way" Batman said as he slammed on the gas and spun the Batmobile in a three hundred and sixty degree turn.

Using the GPS from the Commissioner's phone, the Batmobile was able to track the Police Commissioner to Gotham Memorial Hospital.

As he pulled the Batmobile up to the scene, I was not prepared to see what I saw.

Jester's POV:

I can remember a story I used to know. It was about sirens, mermaids who sang a special song that lured pirates to steer their ships into rocky waters and perish. I guess that's kind of what Joker did to me. His voice was like a siren's song.

You'd imagine that I would be outraged when he said that the plan was to get me to push Batman over the edge, to finally get him to lose his morality and kill me, but it was like my mind wasn't working properly. Nothing made sense anymore, only the Joker could keep me sane.

So there I sat, among a table of the world's best and most crooked criminals, not having a care in the world. Cards and poker chips were strewn across the table, reminiscent of a game that had no end. The rhythmic motion of the waves rocked the boat back and forth; it felt so peaceful in such an odd way.

After a few seconds of heated silence, Ivy approached an old fashion radio that was sitting decrepit on corner of the table. All that came through was static. She began fiddling with various knobs...still no signal, just static. Finally, Penguin got irritated and bashed his fist into. The static sound faded away and the lull of human voices came through quietly.

"...Thanks, Jared. Vikki Vale, reporting live with Chanel 7 news"

"Oh I hate this woman!" Ivy shouted at the radio, her resentment for the reporter made clear.

"I'm on the scene at Gotham Memorial Hospital where there is a hostage situation currently underway."

I looked across the table at the Joker, he was grinning eerily.

"I've just been told that the super criminal known as the Riddler has taken everyone inside hostage. He is refusing to release them until the Batman agrees to go inside the hospital"

"WHAT IS HE DOING THERE!?" the man dressed as a scarecrow rasped in horror.

All eyes went to him due to his sudden outburst and then to Joker.

"What?" Joker asked boldly, he tipped he chair backwards and continued. "We needed a distraction and good old Eddie would have held us back" He cackled.

"We were supposed to work as a team, this was the only way this was going to work!" Ivy said, menacingly shaking a green fist towards Joker.

"Oh cry me a river! He would have given us away! Him and all those riddle, constantly clueing Batman in" Joker cringed charismatically as he said this.

Even though her skin tone was green, Poison Ivy's face was turning noticeably red with rage.

Scarecrow's voice rasped out again.

"But he's the only one who knows how to work the..." his voice trailed off and his body turned toward me. It was as if he was debating whether or not he should continue talking, like he was wondering if I should or shouldn't know what he was going to say. "...The machine" he rasped at last.

Joker sat forward on his chair. He had lost his sense of relaxation. He tilted his head toward the man in the massive metal suit. "Freeze? You're telling me you don't know how to work 'it'?"

The ice man began to speak, his voice sounding like a mix of different radio stations, so robotic.

"Edward set up the passwords, there is no way I would be able to decipher them in time" the auto-tunesque voice spoke.

Joker sighed, his facial expression exemplifying his exasperation.

"Fine" he said fiercely. His voice filled with bitter resentment.

Harley looked slightly shocked, as if that was the last thing she expected him to do.

The grin soon returned to his face as he turned to me. The speed at which he snapped his head toward me nearly scared me...nearly. "Oh Jester..." He hummed.

"Yes?" I asked, anxiously awaiting his next command.

"Time for a field trip! I need you to go pick up our friend, the good ole Riddler. Knowing him, he's probably got some elaborate intelligence test set up for Batsy. You need to make sure he gets outta there without being caught. He won't be too hard to find, just look for guy bedazzled in question tacky" he chuckled

I nodded and stood up from the table. Elegantly maneuvering around the table, I made my way toward the stair. Then I heard Ivy.

"Wait! You're sending her all alone? Are you nuts?! If Batman gets her this whole plan is ruined!" Irritation and rage were prevalent in her voice.

"Jeeze lady! For a tree hugger, you aren't very peaceful!" Joker mocked. But he did take her up on the suggestion. "Crane, you go with her"

"IT' S SCARECROW!" He hollered enraged.

I bit my lip to hold back a smirk as I walked up the stairs, the 'Scarecrow' followed behind me.

This would be interesting...

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