Chapter Thirteen

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Annie’s POV:

After the brutal smack to the face, the Joker left me alone with Harley. He declared that he had some things to set up before he “got started”…whatever that meant.

As I sat in the metal chair, still strapped in, I thought about what it took to be the lover of a homicidal clown killer. The criminal mind had always intrigued me, with my brother being a cop and all. My eyes flickered to Harley in the corner of the room, still kneeling down petting her beloved, slobbering hyenas. I suddenly got an idea.

“I like your outfit” I said to Harley Quinn, one of the most dangerous women to ever walk the streets of Gotham.

She looked astounded for a second, complete shock took over her face. After the words seemed sink in, she replied to my comment.

“Thanks!” She replied eagerly “Red doesn’t like it…she thinks I look like a tramp but Puddin loves it!”

I could only assume that Red was referring to Poison Ivy and Puddin was the Joker.

“I think you’re my favorite victim yet!”She continued, I smiled in return even though the use of the word victim made me uneasy.

My plan was to make friends with Harley until the Joker returned, maybe I could even trick her into untying me.

That plan was blown out of the water when the Joker returned only a few seconds later.  He smashed the door open, making me nearly jump out of my skin. In his arms, he carried a video camera.

“A video camera?” I asked suspiciously, I didn’t like my idea of where this was going. I got no answer as the Joker barked orders at Harley.

“Harley! Stop petting the hyenas and get over here!” He snapped at her, she complied willingly. 

“Now hold the camera” he said as he handed her the video camera. She pointed the camera at me and he reached over and pressed what I assumed was the record button because a red light lit up on the front of it.

“State your name” he said letting a few chuckles and snickers break through his serious voice. I didn’t find it funny as I just looked up at him in confusion and utter fascination.

“Annie” I said staring at my sneakers, refusing to look at the camera for whatever insane purpose he was filming me.

The Joker rolled his eyes as if we were playing a game and I wasn’t playing by the rules. “No no no…you’re full name, the name your mother gave you before she left” he said as a smile spread across his face and he let out several hiccups of laughter.

My heart nearly pounded out of my chest, how did he know that?!

“Ariebelle Bo” I stated grimly, still refusing to make eye contact with the camera.

Then the Joker stepped in between me and the camera. He faced the video camera and said “Hello Batsy!” I immediately knew what his reason for filming me was.

“Oh and I haven’t forgotten about you, Boy Blunder!” he continued with a dramatic cackle. “Now I thought I’d introduce you to my little friend here but it appears that you two have already met” His laughter grew ridiculously.

My heart plummeted into my stomach. Thoughts began to race through my mind again, giving me a headache. So that’s why the Joker kidnapped you…because you’re connected to Robin. What if he knows that Dick is Robin?! What if I gave away his secret identity!

I tried to remain focused on the mad man standing only inches away from me.

“Well I think it’s time we put on a little show for Batboy” The Joker said as he nearly bounded around the room in excite.

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