Chapter Twenty Four

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Robin’s POV:

I stood there, wondering how I could possibly save the hostage and keep Bruce’s secret identity a secret. I fumbled to find something to say, anything but I just couldn’t.

Luckily, I was saved by an interruption.

A loud crash erupted throughout the room. Concrete bits began to tumble from the ceiling.

There was no visible damage to the room but judging from the noise, it had most likely happened somewhere near to us. I wondered if it was a bomb or some sort of large scale attack but I didn’t have time to ponder it.

Riddler seemed to take notice of the crash but he did not care; he was determined to get me to reveal Batman’s identity.

“Never mind that! Answer the question! WHO IS BATMAN?” He boomed. I looked at the poor nurse whose life was at stake, how was I supposed to save her?

Unexpectedly, the doors in the back of the room burst open and a small girl dressed as a harlequin walked in, she was pushing a wheelchair.

“Sorry to break this up but the party’s over, boys” She playfully said. Her vibrant eyes were glowing which continued to creep me out. 

I noticed the body in the wheelchair. I recognized him as Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow. He looked practically dead except for the fact that I could see his chest rising and falling slightly.

Riddler shot a menacing look at Jester, he was enraged that she had ruined his little game but I was ever so thankful.

“YOU?!” He shouted across the room. He was absolutely livid, even from 15 feet away, I could see the veins popping in his bloodshot eyes.

 “What are you doing here?! And what did you do to Scarecrow?!” He hollered in an irritable tone. 

“I’m here to collect you…” She replied as her eyes darted to Batman and I and then back to Riddler.

“Your services are needed” She continued. “As for Crane, he’s fine…really. Just a minor car crash.”

I looked at her with disbelief. I realized that it was no bomb that made the entire room shake, it was her crashing a car into the building! What a psycho!

Riddler seemed like he was unable to comprehend what she was saying. He just kind of stood there, looking like he was lost in space. 

After a moment, he came to his senses and answered her “No, I won’t go back. I’m a better criminal then he will ever be! His stupid jokes don’t even make sense! I am far more intelligent. Look! I have Batman right here, about to lose everything. That’s more than your ignorant ‘Joker’ could ever do!”

This seemed to really tick Jester off.

She glared at the Riddler, then slowly removed her hands from the handlebars of the wheelchair that held Scarecrow. She put her hands to her sides, they were balled in fists.

Without warning, she sprang into action; doing several highly skilled flips and a few back handsprings, she landed centimeters from the Riddler’s face. With one swift movement, she grabbed him by the collar of his fancy green question mark suit and hoisted him up into the air.

It was actually quite funny, to see a tiny girl holding up a grown man, funny but also completely terrifying.

She continued to glare at the Riddler and then she spoke “Don’t you ever insult Joker in front of me.”

She lowered him back onto his feet. The nurse he was holding at gun point, ran into the corner of the room and cowered in fear.

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