11. Your Fav Assholes

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Dedicated to Brody AssMuggie and Chelsea Sluster


[ btw 35 votes for new chapter (: ]


Two weeks later

Liam has been the most overly supported person these past two weeks. Asking me how I was feeling every five minutes and if I was still talking to Brody, which I am.

I haven't quite told him I'm carrying Liam's child yet, but I'll tell him.


I was currently sitting on the couch with Nathan and Macy. I was wedged in between both of them.

Orange is the new black season 3 bitches. Currently taking over all three of our lives.

"Ruby Rose can fuck me." I said stuffing my mouth with popcorn not caring if the comment sounded out of context. Nathan nodded in agreement his head not leaving the TV screen.

Macy tossed her head back once we saw the perfect being fully unclothed. "MY SELF-ESTEEM." She shrieks out into the world.

I laughed at her, we spent to much time together in front of the TV.

There was a loud knock at the door and Nathan groaned. "If it's Brody I'm out." Nathan called out making me roll my eyes.

I jumped off the couch and walked to the door slowly. I opened it and Liam stood there nervously.

He walked past me making himself right at home, he had a look of panic across his face. "Come in!" I say cheerily in a sarcastic way right after he walked past me.

"Carson we have to tell them!" Liam panics pacing around the living room. Nathan was bothered. His facial expression said it all.

"What do you mean?" I cross my arms over my chest, he was worrying me a bit.

"Liam, I do not appreciate you walking into my apartment interrupting my show --" Nathan began with his sass.

"Shut up Nathan!" Both me and Liam yell, this was a serious matter. I could tell by the way Liam looked, so puzzled. He was still pacing around.

Nathan looked taken back but continued to watch his show, eating the popcorn. Macy avoided the show, she was watching both me and Liam while eating some popcorn.

"Chelsea is on my balls, Brody is constantly interrogating me about you and me, asking if we're sneaking around and he's not even defending me out on the field. I have a game this weekend and if he doesn't defend me my chance at going pro are out the damn window!" Liam freaks out not once stumbling for the words he meant.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. He was being a bit dramatic. His chances wouldn't be ruined. Not just because of one lousy game.

Liam glared at me his nostrils slightly flaring. "I'm serious Carson." He whined scratching his neck frustrated.

"I thought you and Chelsea got into a fight yesterday and broke up." Nathan asks budding into our conversation once again.

Liam turns towards him hesitating before finally responding to Nathan.

"This is an A and B conversation C your way out of it! Maybe you'll find a Detour." Liam exclaims glaring at him. Nathan looked at him crazy like then rolled his eyes. They wandered back over to the TV.

"Damn bitch I was just trynna help." Nathan muttered eating some more popcorn.

I turned my attention back to Liam. "Well I'm not ready to tell Brody that I got wasted at a party because he didn't show up and then I sat in his quarterbacks mess after I had suspected cheating. So, No." I said, Macy gave out a loud OUHHHHH making both me and Liam turn and look at her.

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