32. Marry Me?

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I have came to a sad decision that this series will be ending at Chapter 40.

I know its sudden, and I love writing it so much but it is definitely time.

I hope you all could understand and love this story as much as I do and continue to share it because it is so important to me :)



I felt my heart drop and shatter to the pit of my stomach. How could she say no. How could she deny me like this.

My eyes showed a sudden sadness and heartbreak, I was shocked. I looked around and Nathan's jaw was dropped, then it suddenly turned into a smile. "No way!" She yelled happily smacking her thigh. 

I stood up and looked at her confused like. "I can't see you right now..." I was about to turn away when Carson grabbed my hand and turned me around. "No way, I was gonna ask you to marry me too." Carson got down  on one knee herself. Nathan rushed over and handed her a small silver box he had been holding for her.

"Liam Dunbar. - I am carrying your baby, and somehow I'm still a virgin. Its a crazy situation, but I'm glad I'm in it with you. Next time you decide to hide something from me, make sure I don't know your phones password. You set up your own Proposal." Carson let out a small laugh, and I looked around at everyone who were nodding in agreement.

I was so confused. I looked down at Carson and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Will you make me the happiest girl alive, and Marry me?" She whispered her eyes welling up with tears. She opened up the box and inside was a silver ring that had the initials K.D, on them.

My brothers initials.

I pulled Carson up from where she was kneeling and pulled her into a tight embrace letting the tears that had formed in my eyes release. 

"You fucking scared me Carson." I groaned leaning my forehead against her shoulder. She let out a laugh hugging me tighter. She was crying herself. We pulled away from the hug we had been holding to kiss each other. "I love you." She whispered before kissing me.

"I love you too." I meant it. With my entire heart.


That Night

"How'd you pull it off?" I whisper as me and Carson laid peacefully in her mothers backyard,  looking at the various stars. She wore my jacket, snuggled into my side. 

She let out a small laugh.

"I just did. You aren't very secretive. And you're a horrible liar." She began to explain making me chuckle. "I knew when it all worked out perfectly there was something wrong." I whispered beginning to rub the back of her head, her hair intertwining through my fingers.

"WHATS UP LOSERS." Nathan screamed so loud you could hear him in Canada. 

He was drunk as fuck, but he clearly didn't mind. "Hey Nate." Carson sat up looking at him as he plopped down beside her. Mason joined him, and he looked pretty sober to me.

Soon Macy came out with Theo and they sat on my side, all 6 of us looked up at the stars together. Feeling each of our energies. 

We were a family, believe it or not.

Nathan leaned his head against Carson's shoulder. "There- Is go-going to be a -nother- Nate." He giggled hiccuping after each one of his words.

Carson let out a laugh herself and shook her head. "You're delusional." 

Nathan lifted his head and burped. "Look here bitchhhhhhhhhhhh." He carried out the ch noise for a solid minute, making it hard for any of us to keep a straight face.

"Your fiance promised me a baby named after the great -one. WHICH IS ME. SO bow down." Nathan said his eyes barley able to stay open.

Carson nodded and rubbed Nathan's back. "Alright Nate." 

"Tha-nks." He said suddenly passing out, asleep. We all sat there chuckling softly to one another. "Now What?" Theo whispered.

"You guys are engaged, You're having a baby, We're happy. We're all finally, happy." Theo whispered looking up at the stars along with everyone else.

"Whats next for us?" Macy whispered.

"Cmon guys, we shouldn't think like that." Mason attempted to reason, Carson agreed quickly.

Nathan suddenly shot up from his sleep, looking dazed and confused. "You guys are so dramatic. I couldn't even sleep, all I could hear were the sudden lines of an ending tv series." He groaned grabbing his head which was most likely in pain.

"Life goes on, soon we'll know." Carson whispered.

We all gathered around and we all hugged one another, happily. "We're going to be okay!" Carson yelled out.

"Yeah you're fucking pregnant you have no choice." Nathan yelled out, we were practically suffocating him.






- teenwolfiesx

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