House of Wax

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The TARDIS came to a sudden halt, and the Doctor ran over to the door, throwing it open with bravado. "Wax museum!" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air and smiling.

"Congratulations, you took me down the street from my house." I said, walking over to the door and peering out it. "Oh no, this isn't any ordinary wax museum," The Doctor said, poking his head out above mine. "This is a Zygon wax museum."

"A what?" I asked, taking a closer look at the figures in the glass cases scattered throughout the massive, open room. "It's an alien wax museum." He explained, taking a step out of the TARDIS and looking around the room. "But the figures just look like normal people." I said, walking up to cases full of statues ranging from pioneer women to modern day politicians. There were also plenty figures I didn't recognize. "That's because the Zygons can change shape and mutate into whoever they want to look like." The Doctor explained, tapping the glass on various exhibits.

"So these are all of the people that Zygons have mutated into?" I asked, taking a closer look at one of the statues. It kind of looked like an older Paris Hilton. "It's not all of the people, but it's a good handful. If they had all of the people that all of the Zygons have mutated into, it would fill up millions of these rooms." He answered, talking louder, his voice echoing throughout the room.

I walked to the end of the row to see a massive statue of an orange, spongy looking creature with suckers all over its body and head. "What is that?" I asked, disgusted but intrigued. "That," The Doctor said, walking up behind me. "Is a Zygon." I looked it up in down, examining its huge head and strange hoof-like feet and hands.

"Well, at least a wax copy of one." The Doctor added. "If they had an actual cryogenically frozen Zygon in here, they'd be shut down.

I reached out and touched the glass, only to pull it back a second later, trying to warm it up again with my breath. "I don't know, it's really cold." I said, rubbing my hands together. The Doctor crinkled his eyebrows and reached out and touched the case with the palm of his hand. He pursed his lips and took his hand off the case, rubbing his hands together.

He took out his sonic screwdriver, scanning the case up and down before checking something on the side of his screwdriver. His eyes widened and he shook his head, putting his screwdriver back in his pocket and walking around the case, examining it closely.

"It's a real Zygon, all right." He muttered, coming back over to stand by me. "Why would they have an actual Zygon in a wax museum? How could they have an actual Zygon in a wax museum?" I asked, breathing into my cupped hands, still trying to warm them up. He scratched his head, still looking at the case. "I don't know, and I don't like not knowing." He said, squinting at the frozen Zygon.

I heard a door open on the far side of the room and I turned to look who it was. The Doctor grabbed my arm, pulling me behind a case of civil war heroes. "Why are we," I began, but the Doctor shushed me. "Why are we hiding?" I whispered. "Because we're not supposed to be here." He explained, peering down the row of cases to his left. "The museum is kind of," He pursed his lips and looked at me, wrinkling his eyebrows. "Closed." He said finally, giving me a slight hopeful smile.

"Why did we come to a closed, alien wax museum?" I whispered at him angrily. "We could've come during the day, that way we wouldn't have any reason to hide." "I need to get back to the TARDIS." He whispered back. I heard voices and footsteps approaching. "I need to run a diagnosis on the museum. Maybe then I can figure out what is going on."

He put his hand out to crawl out of our hiding place but I pulled him back when I saw a boot step around the corner. I put my finger to my lips and pointed towards the boot. The Doctor made an O shape with his lips and nodded. I saw another pair of shoes step around the corner but was unable to see anything above the knees from our hiding place.

"See Jim, I told you it was okay." One of the men spoke, standing in front of the frozen Zygon case. "Check around the case, I was sure I heard something in here." The other man said, taking a few steps back, standing directly in front of our only exit. We waited for a while until we heard a grunt from the first man. "Nothing. Jim, I think you're hearing things." He said, walking over to stand next to the man he called Jim. "Sorry, Wilbur. Let's lock this place up."

The boots vanished from in front of our escape hole and I heard the footsteps recede. I poked my head out and looked around before giving the Doctor the okay sign. We crawled out of our hiding place, standing up and creeping around the corner quietly.

"Hey Jim, what's this thing?" I heard the man called Wilbur say from a ways away. "I don't know man. What's it say up there?" Jim asked. "Police public call box." Wilbur read. I turned to the Doctor and our eyes widened. A sudden look of protective anger flashed across his face and he turned and walked back toward where the voices were coming from.

"Doctor!" I whisper-yelled. "What?" He responded, turning back to me for a second. "Don't go over there!" I whispered frantically. "I have to!" He responded, turning his back and walking away. I groaned and ran as quietly as I could, trying to keep up. "They are not going to lay a single one of their filthy hands on the TARDIS." He muttered.

We turned a corner to see two men in their late twenties dressed in factory worker clothes standing in front of and looking up at the TARDIS.

"Hello men, nice to meet you. Don't worry about me, just your usual inspection." The Doctor said, flashing them his psychic paper. "Oh! I didn't know we'd be getting one so soon since the new exhibit was installed." Wilbur said, watching as the Doctor carefully examined the TARDIS exterior for any fingerprint smudges.

"And what new exhibit is that?" I asked them, taking control of the situation. Wilbur's face wrinkled in confusion but responded anyway. "Well, everyone knows about the new exhibit. It's a live Zygon." "A live Zygon?" The Doctor asked, poking his head out from behind the TARDIS. "Well, it's cryogenically frozen so it's harmless, but yes, technically it is still alive." Wilbur responded, scratching the back of his neck.

The Doctor thought for a second before asking, "Would you mind checking the case, for you know, cracks and such." Wilbur and Jim looked at each other before responding. "Sure, but we just checked." Jim said, shrugging and walking back over to the case.

We waited while they inspected the case for cracks or breaks. "Nope, nothing out of place." Jim said finally. "Wait," Wilbur said, holding up a finger, concern forming on his face. He rubbed part of the case with his thumb and the look vanished. "Never mind, it was just a thumbprint."

"Are you sure there was nothing there?" The Doctor asked worriedly. "Yeah, everything was how it should be." "Why, is something wrong?" I asked him. "Call it a hunch." He said, squinting at the frozen Zygon. "I mean, there's an awful lot of steam to be coming off a block of ice, and it's pretty far from freezer temperature in here. I'm just a little worried the ice will just," He dragged his finger across the ice, pulling it back to reveal it to be wet. "Melt away." He whispered.

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