Who's the Monster Now?

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"You were his wife?" I asked, shocked at this new piece of information. "Well, I guess I still am to him." She replied. I covered my mouth with my hand. "So the Doctor's married but he still," I said, but I stopped myself, unable to finish my own sentence. "It appears so," River said, looking back at her tea and pursing her lips.

"That's horrible." I croaked. She looked up at me and snorted, a small smile briefly appearing on her face. "Almost as horrible as letting you die?" She asked. I snorted and shook my head.

"I can't believe this." I said after a minute. "I know," River agreed.

"You know you have to forgive him." She said, looking up and me, reaching over and holding my hand in hers. "How could I forgive him after what he did." I said, shaking my head. "Both times." I added. "If you can't then please tell him I forgive him." She said after a moment. "Tell him that I forgive him, and that I just want him to be happy. He obviously was with you."

I felt my heart swell with sympathy for this mysterious woman I just met, and I gave her hand a little reassuring squeeze.

I heard someone knock on the doorframe and we both looked over to see the little girl standing in the doorway, a cheerful smile on her face. "Hello, Charlotte. What is it?" River asked the little girl. "Doctor Moon says that Bella can be loaded back into the library now." The little girl said, swishing her skirt back and forth. River looked at me with a sad smile on her face and sighed. "Looks like it's time to go." She said, standing up.

We gave each other a quick hug and she said something to me as I was walking out of the room, "Please try to forgive him, for his sake." I sighed and offered a small smile before waving goodbye to River Song for the last time, following Charlotte down the hallway and into a large room containing a small group of people.

Charlotte told me to go stand in the middle of the room with the rest of the people and skipped out of the room only to be seen a couple second later from the observation deck above us with an older man in a nice suit. She smiled at the man before speaking into the microphone, her voice echoing throughout the room.

"Okay everyone, you're all going to be loaded back into the library now. Please remain still while you are being transferred or your genes could get mixed up." She looked back down at an unseen control board, looking satisfied with her little speech.

She pressed a button and I saw a flash of light, and next thing I knew I was standing on a platform back in the library looking out at a crowd of cheering people. The rest of the group ran off to great their loved ones while I wandered aimlessly through the crowd, not knowing where to go.

I heard someone call out my name and I looked behind me to see the Doctor making his way towards me, grinning from ear to ear. Hate and anger bubbled up in my throat and I turned and walked further away from him, but I couldn't get away fast enough. A moment later a felt his hand on my shoulder and I turned around to look at him.

"Bella! I'm so happy to see you!" He said over the noise of the crowd, leaning down to kiss me. I pushed him away, turning and shoving people out of the way so I could get through.

I finally made my way into a clearing and looked around for a place to go. I saw a sign that pointed in the direction of some teleports and I walked that way, but too soon the Doctor caught up with me again.

"Bella," He said, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to look at him. "Stay away from me, you monster!" I screamed at him, grabbing the attention of the man operating the teleports. I ripped my arm from his grasp and stormed away, telling the operator when and where I wanted to go.

"Bella," The Doctor said again, calling out to me. I saw another flash of light and I looked around to see the comforting trees and flowers of the park, and I began walking back to my house. I heard a whooping sound behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see the TARDIS materializing behind me, but I turned back and kept walking.

"Bella!" I heard the Doctor call out, and I started walking faster. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off, crossing my arms, trying to keep the tears from running down my face.

I saw him run past me and stop in front of me, causing me to collide with him. He wrapped his arms around me, picked me up and began carrying me back to the TARDIS. "Help! Somebody help! I'm being kidnapped!" I called out, but nobody was around to hear me.

The Doctor kicked open the TARDIS door, and set me down by the console, snapping his fingers, shutting the door. I ran over to the door and tried the handle, but it was locked. I sunk to the ground, tears coming out my eyes in torrents. I felt the Doctor place his hand gently on my back but I swatted it off and shot him a death-glare.

"How could you?" I asked him angrily. "Please, Bella just let me explain." He responded calmly, his face plastered with betrayal. That only angered me more. "Don't you dare look at me like that because you have no idea how betrayal feels." I shot at him, the tears still spilling down my face.

"Bella, I knew that you were going to be okay. I knew about CAL." He said, but I could see the lie clearly on his face. "Stop lying to me!" I yelled at him. I saw the emotion switch from concern to guilt in his eyes and he opened his mouth to try a different tactic.

"They were locked onto you. I wanted to help you but I couldn't." He said, looking hopefully at me as if waiting to see if I would accept that answer.

I responded, searing hate dripping from my voice and splashing across my face. "Well maybe the Vashta Nerada wasn't the monster I should've been looking out for."

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