Silence in the TARDIS

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We ran down the TARDIS's hallways, looking back occasionally to see if the Silence was still following us. We turned a corner stopped, standing with our backs against the wall, breathing heavily.

"Okay, I think we lost it." The Doctor said, turning to look at me. He looked me up and down. "You're still wearing your bathrobe." He said, chuckling slightly. I shook my head and snorted. "Technically it's your bathrobe." I said. "Oo, we can't go out in public." He said playfully, wiggling his eyebrows. "People will talk." I finished, rolling my eyes and laughing at our ridiculousness.

I looked cautiously around the corner again, the Silence at the end of the hallway startling me. I whipped my head back around the corner, looking at the Doctor. "Okay, maybe we didn't loose it." I said quietly.

We took off down the hallway again, winding through the TARDIS's never-ending labyrinth of corridors.

"How are we going to get rid of this thing?" I called ahead to the Doctor. "I don't know," He replied, looking over his shoulder at me. His eyes widened and as we rounded another corner he pulled me into a room, closing and locking the door behind us. He sat down with his back against the door, pulling me down with him. I was breathing heavily and he covered my mouth with his hand to silence me.

I protested at first but as soon as I heard the low pitched chirping of the Silence outside of the door I froze, looking wide eyed at the Doctor. He put his finger to his lips and I nodded. He removed his hand from my mouth and I swallowed. The chirping suddenly stopped and the shadow of the Silence slowly appeared in the patch of light shining into the otherwise dark room.

I held my breath until the shadow disappeared and the chirping continued, fading off into the distance until only our own shallow breathing could be heard.

I let out a gust of air and tilted my head back to rest it against the door, closing my eyes. I laughed slightly but it came out short and choppy. "We're so dead." I said, turning to him and shaking my head. "Don't be so sure," He said, looking at me.

"I have an idea. If I can lead the Silence to the TARDIS's main reactor, it will burn up and die. The one catch is," "You might burn up too." I finished. "I wouldn't burn up as fast as the Silence so I'd still have a chance of escaping, but you can't go anywhere near the reactors or you would burn up instantaneously." He said, pursing his lips.

"How can I help then?" I asked. "You can help by," He began, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out his sonic screwdriver, handing it to me. "Going and getting dressed. Like I said, you can't go anywhere near the reactors." "What if," I began, but I quickly abandoned my original question and opted for a different one.

"What if the Silence comes for me?" "Then take the sonic screwdriver and point it in the air, pressing the button on the side. It'll send out an electrical impulse throughout the entire TARDIS, causing the light fixture above me to pop. That's how I'll know to come help you." I nodded and took a deep breath.

He picked me back up onto my feet, and patted me on the arms. He reached towards the door handle, and my original question popped back into my head, causing me to have a sharp intake of breath. He stopped and looked at me, and tears welled up in my eyes, clouding my vision.

"Bella," He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I sniffled. "What's wrong?" He asked, taking his hand away from the handle. I sniffled again and I felt a tear run down my face. He whipped it away with his thumb. I took another deep breath and croaked out, "What if you die?" He smiled and me sadly and wrapped his arms around me, holding me against him tightly. I buried my face in his shirt and sobbed quietly as he stroked my hair gently.

"How about this," He said, pulling away slightly and looking me in the eyes. "I promise that in an hour, we'll be sitting in Victorian London, drinking tea and eating jammie dodgers." I giggled and he smiled fondly at me. "I expect you back in the console room in fifty minutes, dressed and ready to go, and don't you dare be late." I nodded.

"Okay," He said, taking a step back and bopping me on the nose. "I'm going to go get the Silence's attention, and when you can't hear us anymore, then go back to the bathroom and get ready." I nodded again, rubbing my arms with my hands.

He smiled at me again and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind him. "Hey! Big, baddie, weirdo Silence!" He shouted, and I could see him jumping up and down and waving his arms through the frosted window on the door. I stifled a laugh as he began jumping in a circle and kicking his feet up in the air.

I saw him stop suddenly and turn to look behind him, then taking off down the hallway. I saw the figure of the Silence pass by soon after and I waited until it's chirping and the Doctor's yelling faded off into the distance.

I opened the door cautiously, peering out into the hallway. I walked out into the corridor, quietly closing the door behind me. I began walking back the way we came, finding my way back to the bathroom.

I finished drying my hair and wandered into the clothing room, looking around and picking out a pretty Victorian style dress, putting it on. I walked back to the bathroom, finishing getting ready and walking back to the console room.

I leaned up against the console, kicking my fancy shoes off and checking the time on the screen hanging from the ceiling. It's been forty-five minutes since the Doctor ran off with the Silence.

I waited patiently for ten more minutes before I started to worry. I looked nervously off towards the hallway and wrung my hands.

That's when the doubt started to ease it's way into my mind that he wasn't coming back. My eyes started to well up and I shook my head, trying to urge the tears back. I sat down, resting my head on the console and stared at my shoes sitting in front of me. I bit my lip, choking a sob back in my throat.

I heard footsteps and I stood up, looking hopefully at the corridor. The Doctor emerged from the hallway; his hair standing up and smoking, his face and clothes covered with scorch marks.

"Sorry about the wait! That took a little longer then I expected." He said, walking over to me and giving me a kiss. "I was starting to get worried." I said as he walked around the console, flipping switches and pressing buttons. He stopped and smiled at me. "Well you don't have to worry. I'll always be here for you." He pushed a couple more buttons. "Now, how about those jammie dodgers?"

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