Return to the Library

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I awoke feeling the warmth of another body beside me and I opened my eyes to see the Doctor lying next to me, the thermal blanket still over us. I propped myself up with my elbow, causing his arm to slide off of me and onto the floor. I flipped my right leg over him so each leg was on either side of him, leaning down and putting my face close to his and whispering.

"Doctor, Doctor," He shifted slightly but didn't wake up. A smile slid onto my face and I gave him a peck on the lips, whispering again, "Doctor, it's time to wake up." He didn't move. "Doctor," I whispered again. He suddenly jolted awake, sitting up quickly, his eyes flying open. Our heads hit each other's, and I sat up, taking a seat on his stomach.

"Ow," I said, rubbing my forehead. "Sorry," He said, doing the same. He licked his lips and he looked at me quizzically. "Did you kiss me?" He asked, propping himself up on his elbows, groaning from my weight. "Maybe," I said, smiling slightly.

A mischievous grin appeared on his face and he grabbed me by the waist, pulling me onto him. I squealed as he kissed me all over my face, finally planting one on my lips. I held his face in my hands, kissing him as he held me on top of him.

He loosened his grip on my waist and I sat up, breathing heavily, pushing stray hairs out of my eyes. He reached up, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear and resting his hand on my neck and smiling at me.

"Come on, it's time to get up." I said, pushing him gently on his chest. "I'm getting up. I'm getting up." He said, sitting up as I rolled off of him. He stood up, reaching out his hand to help me up as well. I took it and stood up, stretching my arms above my head.

"You wait here. I'm going to go get the TARDIS." The Doctor said, putting his spacesuit back on. I watching him hop away from the base through the window and in a minute the TARDIS materialized behind me. The Doctor stepped out and smiled at me. We said our goodbyes to Yuri and Mia and reentered the TARDIS.

The Doctor walked over to the console and began flipping switches and pressing buttons, pausing for a moment to wiggle his eyebrows at me. I laughed and asked, "So where are we going now. "I have a place that I really want to take you," He said, flipping a couple more switches. "It's a planet, that's a library. The whole planet is a library. It has every single book in the universe in it." "Sounds fun," I said, genuinely interested.

He flipped a lever and the TARDIS began flying through space and time again, the Doctor whooping and hollering. After the TARDIS landed I looked over at him grinning from ear to ear and I rolled my eyes. "You're such a child sometimes." I said, chuckling. "What's the point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?" The Doctor said, looking at me and smiling.

"Now," He said, walking over to the door. "Let's go see what's happening at the library." He opened the door to see a mass of people rushing by us, yelling and hollering. An announcement blared on loop over the PA system: "Please evacuate immediately. Please remain cautious of the shadows. Please evacuate immediately. Please remain cautious of the shadows." The Doctor closed the door and looked at me with wide eyes. He opened it again for a moment before quickly closing it again.

"Doctor, what was that about?" I asked him as he returned to the console, looking at the screen hanging from the ceiling. "I don't know but I'm getting massive energy readings all leading away from us. It's almost as if everyone is," "Evacuating?" I offered. "Yeah, evacuating." The Doctor repeated, his forehead wrinkling with confusion. "But why would they be doing that?" He muttered, pushing a few buttons on the console and looking back at the screen. He shook his head after a few moments before looking back at the door.

"We have to figure out what is going on." He said, walking back over to the door. "You can wait here if you want, it's probably safer." "No, I want to come with you." I said, walking over to stand by him. He shrugged and opened the door, letting in the cacophonous noise from outside.

We made our way through the crowd and got to the information desk, trying to get the attention of a worker trying to direct everyone out. "Hello! Yes! Can you please tell us what's going on?" The Doctor yelled over the noise. "We're evacuating." The worker said, waving his arms in the direction of the exit. "Yes, I've noticed that." The Doctor said. The rush of the crowd began to pull me away from him and I grabbed onto his arm so I wouldn't loose him.

"Why are we evacuating?" The Doctor asked. "Because of the monsters, sir." The worker responded, still directing people out of the library. "What monsters?" The Doctor asked, grabbing the worker's arm to try to get his attention better. The worker stopped and looked at him. "Well, we're not completely sure, exactly. The professor said they came from the books before he," He paused for a moment. "Before he was eaten."

"The professor was eaten?" The Doctor asked. "Yes, everything was eaten off of him until only his skeleton was left." The worker responded. Something flashed across the Doctor's face for a moment, but it quickly disappeared. The worker continued, "We've contacted another professor, who should be over here any minute."

The Doctor turned to me, placing his hands on my arms. "Bella, I want you to go wait in the TARDIS. It is definitely not safe here." "But I want to help," I complained. "I know, but last time I was here, I almost lost a very close friend of mine. I can't let that happen to," He began, but somebody grabbed his shoulder and he turned to look at an older man in a business suit standing behind him. "What do you know about the Vashta Nerada?" The man asked.

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