To The Moon and Back

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"Are you ready?" The Doctor asked, looking up from the console at me. "Ready." I said, putting on my helmet and giving him a thumbs up. "Okay, let's go."

I took a deep breath and opened the TARDIS door to reveal the vast expanse of the moon laid out in front of us. My hands flew to my mouth but only hit my helmet. I heard the Doctor chuckle.

I took a step out of the TARDIS and onto the moon rock in front of me. I took another step, bouncing through the air. I took a few more steps, jumped a couple times, flying high into the air and landing back on the moon. "This is amazing!" I yelled. The Doctor laughed and joined me outside.

We hopped around for a few minutes, and soon I could see a strange building in the distance. "Is that a moon base?" I asked, pointing to the building. "Yeah, do you want to go look around in it?" He replied. I nodded and we hopped over to it.

As we neared closer, a large garage-like door opened in the side of it, revealing two people in huge astronaut suits behind it. "Who're they?" I asked the Doctor as we grew nearer to the base. "Some old friends." The Doctor said, smiling.

We entered the moon base and the door closed behind us, and the astronauts removed their helmets. "Doctor? Is that you?" The male astronaut asked. "Yep! It's me all right!" The Doctor responded, walking over and hugging each of the astronauts. "Yuri! Mia! It's good to see you two! How've you been?"

The female astronaut, Mia, spoke. "It's been good, it took us a little while to get back into space travel after our last adventure though." The Doctor grimaced. "Yeah, sorry about that." "Yeah, but we are much better now, we're married." Yuri said, taking Mia's hand. "Oh that's great!" The Doctor said, smiling. "So how about you? You've got a new face now, I see." Yuri said, gesturing to the Doctor's head. The Doctor ran his hand through his floppy hair and nodded.

"Is she your," Mia began, gesturing to me. "Oh! No, no, no." The Doctor said, walking over to stand by me. "We're not together, she's just my, um," The Doctor mumbled for a minute, trying to think of a good answer. "Companion! She's just my companion." I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "That's not what you were saying in France." The Doctor laughed and shook his head.

"So," He said, clapping his hands. "Back to business." He turned back to Yuri. "Where is the place with the best view?" "Oh, that'd have to be the loading bay. There is a floor to ceiling glass window looking out on the moon's surface. But, it's also the coldest place on the base." "Then can you fetch us a thermal blanket?" The Doctor turned and winked at me. "I've got a date."

A few minutes later we were sitting up against the wall in the loading bay, snuggled up together in a thermal blanket, looking out at the moon's surface.

"As dates go," I said. "This is a pretty good one." The Doctor smiled. "I aim to please." I leaned on him slightly, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, resting his head on top of mine.

"Remember when I said I want to travel with you forever?" I asked after a couple minutes. "How could I forget," The Doctor responded. "I meant it. I mean, I seriously meant it." I said. "When I first agreed to travel with you, I only thought it was a temporary thing. But I've changed my mind." I moved my head and looked him in the eyes. "I want to travel with you forever, Doctor." He reached his hand up, rubbing his thumb across my cheek gently. "Mirabelle, I would be overjoyed if you would travel with me forever."

I held his hand against my face, enjoying the warmth it brought there. He stared deeply into my eyes and I moved my hands to the back of his neck. We closed our eyes and leaned in, my spine tingling as our lips brushed.

He kissed me gently at first but the kiss deepened within a matter of seconds. I ran my fingers through his hair as he held my face in his hands. I moved my hands back to his neck and parted my lips slightly, shivering as our tongues mingled in each other's mouths. 

Eventually we broke apart, but kept our foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes. He ran his thumb across my cheek again, a smile playing on the corner of his mouth. He gave me a quick peck on the nose and we pulled apart completely, smiling at each other.

I moved my hands from the back of his neck and down his body, hugging his midsection. I snuggled closer to him, laying my head back on his shoulder, yawning quietly and closing my eyes.

"I wasn't that boring, was I?" He asked playfully. I giggled and shook my head slightly. "No, I'm just tired." I said quietly. He ran his hand over my hair and shifted slightly beside me. "Do you want to stay here while I go get the TARDIS?" He asked softly. "No," I responded quickly. "Don't leave." "Okay," He replied, moving back closer to me and wrapping his arms around me. "I won't."

Something in the ceiling flickered and I looked up to see a stunning view of Earth, the stars making a beautiful backdrop. "What happened to the ceiling?" I asked, looking up at the night sky. "It must've been a holographic covering." The Doctor replied. I looked around to see Mia standing slightly in the doorway, peeking in. She gave me a knowing nod and I smiled at her appreciatively.

The Doctor slid away from me and out into the middle of the room, laying on his back and looking at the sky. "What're you doing?" I asked, leaning away from the wall. "Come here," He said, gesturing for me to join him. I crawled over to him and snuggled back in close to him, pulling the blanket on top of us.

I looked up at Earth hanging above us, pointing out islands and constellations in the stars surrounding the planet until I was too tired to move my arm anymore. I wrapped my arms around the Doctor, nuzzling his shoulder with my head, closing my eyes. He kissed me on the top of my head, wrapping his arm protectively around me. "Goodnight, Bella." He whispered, and I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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