The End?

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We walked down the modern London street hand in hand, laughing and talking.

"I mean, I know they had tea, I just didn't know it was going to be that good." I said, referring to our Victorian lunch. "What did you expect, a glob of radish stems in some lukewarm water?" He asked, looking at me. "Yeah, that actually is kind of what I expected." I said, laughing.

He smiled at me and we slowed to a stop, people still bustling around us. "What?" I asked, looking up at him. "Nothing," He said, but I could tell there was something. "I'm just in total awe of how beautiful and wonderful you are." My breath caught in my throat and I smiled at him.

He leaned in and kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you," I whispered when we broke apart, burying my face in his jacket. "I love you too," He whispered, kissing me on top of my head.

We broke apart after a minute or so, continuing to walk down the sidewalk.

We came to a crosswalk and I looked at the crossing sign. It only had a few seconds left so I shot a mischievous look at the Doctor and said, "I'll race you across."

I took a step out into the street and heard a horn honk loudly and turned to my left to see a bus speeding towards me. The Doctor grabbed me and pulled me back just in time to see the bus speed past me.

I turned to him, wide eyed and breathing heavily. He smiled at me and laughed slightly, wrapping his arms protectively around me. "I told you that I'd always be there for you." He said.

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