Konan (Naruto Shippuden) x Reader {NaL} (Part 2)

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A/N: In this part, Konan will only hurt you and kiss you and yeah, this is the last chapter of the book.

No One's POV

Konan went i side your prison cell and stared deeply at your eyes. "What do you want?" You asked. Konan kneeled down and grabbed your chin. "Do you know a kid named Naruto Uzumaki?" Konan asked. The image of smiling Naruto came at your mind. "No. Even if i know, i wont tell you." You said. "That's too bad." Konan said and made a spear made of paper. Your eyes widened. "I'll ask again, do you know Naruto Uzumaki?" Konan asked. "As i said, even if i know, i wont ever tell you!" You yelled. "You're lucky you got the courage to stand up to me like that, (Y/N)." Konan said. "If you dont wanna die, tell me where Naruto Uzumaki is." Konan said. "Hell no. Never in hell. If im gonna die, i'll you all Akatsuki jerks with me!" You yelled. Konan became irritated and she furrowed her eyebrows. "You're one hell of a girl, (Y/N). No wonder why you're still alive. Too bad im gonna end your life." Konan said. "I'd like to see you try." You said. Konan threw the spear at you but it missed you.

"You missed." You said. "I missed you on purpose." Konan said. "You cant let me die, right, Konan?" You asked. Konan remembered how Yahiko called her. "Shut up." Konan said. "Konan." You said. Konan turned her eyes to yours. "I love you." You said. Konan blushed but she hid it. Konan kneeled down again and grabbed your chin. "What did you say?" Konan asked. "I love you." You said and kissed Konan. (A: OMG, she didn't hurted you at all!!) Konan kissed back, slowly. 'In the beggining, i didn't wanted this to happen.' Konan thought. Konan leaned back. "*Blush* Im sorry. I just cant control myself sometimes." You said. "(Y/N)." Konan said. 'Holy shir. She looks serious. Im done.' You thought. "I love you too." Konan said. "What?" You asked. "I said, i love you too." Konan said and turned away. "Hey, hey, hey. You do?" You asked. Konan nodded. "Then, that means, we're a thing now?" You asked. "Yes." The Akatsuki popped out of nowhere. "You watched us?" Konan asked. "Of course we do. Nagato and Yahiko even looked happy about it." Kisame said. 'Holy shit. Everyone in the Akatsuki is smiling. Even Itachi!' You thought.

"Konan and our little pet are a thing now, hm." Deidara said. "She have a name." Sasori said. "I was really beggining to like our pet but meh." Hidan shrugged.

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