✨Chapter 14✨

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A couple days later..

"Hey babe." I say kissing Marcus from the chair he sat in.

It was a long afternoon at work, so I'd decided to find Marcus and hang out, but when I found him he was sitting at a restaurant table outside with a bunch of his other friends.

Don't get me wrong I'm not the kind of girl friend who hates when her boyfriend hangs out with his friends, it's just I'm not particularly fond of these ones. For one I think they do drugs and they definitely drink a lot, which are both pet peeves of mine. Plus Disney is my home, and a place for families to go a have a fun day. I don't need guys like Marcus's friends getting into fights with everyone, stealing things, and cussing out little kids, which all happened the first day Marcus let them visit him in the park.

Thankfully after those unfortunate events happened, Marcus told them they have to behave in the park or they can't come back again. Even after that They're still not the nicest bunch, but at least they're not being mean to visitors.

"Hey baby" he says as he kisses me, then pulls me onto his lap. His friends don't acknowledge me, just keep talking about some "hot" girls and some other nasty stuff that could make even the most perverted guys want to throw up.

"Can you please be quiet? At least have the decency to not talk about that stuff while I'm around." I say, because I'm really sick of it.

One of the guys who's kind of the leader, Trevor, looks like he wants to cuss me out, but before he can, a guy wearing a red shirt runs by our table, grabs a messenger bag from the back of Trevors chair, and quickly runs away.

Marcus's friends let out a string of obscenities and begin to chase the guy.
Marcus and I quickly run after them, thank goodness I go running every Saturday or else I probably would have been even further behind them than I am now.

We speed by families, horse drawn carriages and Mickey Mouse himself (who I think is actually cam), and finally come to a stop by the gate at the front of Main Street USA. Once I stop gasping for breath, I look up and see Trevor and the others have surrounded the guy holding the messenger bag.

"Why the heck did you steal my bag from me?" Asks the guy. Something about the way he talks to Marcus's friends makes me admire him. He doesn't seem to have a problem standing up to them, even though they're pretty intimidating. And something about his stance also says he's not afraid to fight them either.

"What the heck happened to no stealing in the park?!" Says Marcus angrily. Trevor looks at him for a second and narrows his eyes.

"Hey shut up man! Our dealer was demanding money, which I didn't have! And plus it was just one laptop, that's it!" Says Trevor. I told you they did drugs. The other guys look like they want to hurt Marcus, so I'm kind of worried for his sake. Marcus is strong but not strong enough to fight of 4 dudes all at once. Thankfully, red shirt guy takes this moment to punch Trevor in the face.

The other guys tense up, and try to hit him, but before they can, Marcus stops them. "HEY! Guys it's not worth it he's just a shrimp anyways, let him have his laptop, and just go steal one somewhere else before Security comes.
And you know security is like."

It's true, Disney security is a lot stricter and more likely to throw you in jail. The guys seem to see the truth in his words, because they back off the guy and walk away. "DONT THINK THAT THIS IS THE END OF THIS MAN." Trevor shouts back to red shirt guy. "And Marcus I'm watching you." He says to Marcus, glaring in our direction. He turns around and the busy crowd envelopes him.

"Hey thanks for that man." Says red shirt guy. "No problem" Marcus says with a smile. Come to think of it red shirt guy looks really similar to..
The guy smiles at both of us and says "I'm Jackson Hyer."

Ahahhaha suspenseahhahaha. Anyways I tried to add a picture of what Marcus, Jackson, and Kenzie are supposed to look like but it won't show up in the actual book UGH. But if it's showing up on your screen could you maybe comment and say it was? It would help a lot, thanks!❤️

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