✨Chapter 18✨

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"Anna I have a question for you," the four year old standing next to me exclaimed, staring up at me.

"Of course!!! What would you like to know little princess??" my enthusiastic trill rang through the crowded restaurant I was acting in.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall to the right," I pointed as she happily hopped off my lap, and ran over to grab her moms hand.

Love that for me, I'm so glad I get to make such a difference here. It had been about two days since the encounter with Marcus's friends and my sour mood had stuck. Plus, my head was absolutely killing me, which I think I can attribute to this stuffy restaurant. I need to get out of here.

As if on cue, the meet and greet assistant Lana sauntered over to me, "You're shift will be over in ten minutes, but its dying down now, so I'll let you off early."

"Lana you're a saint, THANK YOU," I said, breathing out a sigh of relief.

She knowingly smiled, and turned to face the crowded restaurant, "Alright everyone, time for Anna to return to Arendale, say goodbye everyone!!"

I waved animatedly, or at least attempted to as a chorus of goodbyes rang around me.

Ladies and gentlemen, Disney World, the happiest place on earth.


As I walked through the park, my mood lifted more and more. Little kids buzzed around me in excitement, with exhausted parents in tow. Paid street vendors sold balloons, and trolleys and horse drawn carriages filled the already bustling street. A lot of people say they love the peace and quiet of the rural areas, but I feel most at home where it's busy. Before moving here I wanted to live in New York because I thought it was the most exciting, eventful place in the world. I obviously hadn't been to Disney before.

I was so lost in my thoughts I almost didn't notice when I ran smack into Jackson.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!!" I said, avoiding eye contact. God shouldn't a place so busy make it easy to avoid people? I thought I had been successful making my interactions with jackson nonexistent the last few days, but all that had just gone to shit.

"Hey Kenzie," he said with a look I couldn't read. Except I could tell he wasn't angry with me still, so there was that still.

We stood there for a minute, an extreme contrast to the pulse and flow of main street around us. I didn't want to say anything.

"Hey look, I'm really sorry about what I said the other day. Kate's your best friend and I know you purposely would never do anything to allow her to get hurt. I still don't agree with her and that guy together, but I just got here, it's not my place to criticize you guys for trying to handle a difficult situation the best you can," Jackson said, looking down at me.

I looked up in surprise. "Oh, it's fine. What you said actually made me rethink some things. We need to be more careful with Kate being with Trevor, thank you for apologizing though," I said looking up at him.

"You're trying Kenz, and you're a good friend to her." Jackson said looking off to the side at a street vendor trying to wrestle a huge bushel of balloons across the busy street. The man eventually got so frustrated he kicked over his cart in anger, handed the balloons to his assistant, and stalked off.

Me and Jackson both laughed, poor worker guy, but it was pretty funny.
As our laughter died down, he looked at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"So with all this going on," He said referring to the Trevor drama, "We haven't had a chance to catch up. I know you're with Marcus now, but a long time ago we were friends too. A lot has gone on in the past few years, Im sure you have a lot to talk about and I have a lot to tell you. Sooo if your work schedules free would you wanna maybe, go to Disney World with me this afternoon?" He joked, gesturing around at the park.

Laughing at his corny joke I simply said, "I'd like that," and followed him over to the rides.

-xoxo T

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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