French Fries and Frozen Cokes

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  I would like to dedicate this chapter to Vanessa040101. She's the only one who's been commenting. This girl has commented on almost all of my chapters and has given me sooooo much support. Thanks girly! You mean the world to me! This chapter is for you ;)

                                                Shaun's P.O.V.

I pulled up in front of Kaylee's house and bounded up to the door. I rang the doorbell, and instantly it opened. On the other side was a balding man in his late 50s, and he was wearing a tuxedo. 

"Um, hi, are Kaylee and Savannah still here?" I asked a bit uncertainly. The man nodded and said rather formally, "They are, I'll call them down. Please come inside." He opened the door a bit wider for me, and I stepped in.

He closed the door behind me and walked into the other room, leaving me to wait awkwardly in front of the door.

He was gone for a few minutes then he came back. "They will be down shortly," he said and walked into the other room.

I waited awkwardly for another couple of minutes, until a high-pitched voice squeaked out my name. I turned and smiled as I saw Savannah standing at the top of the sweeping staircase. She dashed down the steps, wearing a bright pink tu-tu and a sparkling pink backpack. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked wrapping her arms around my leg. "Well, seeing as your sister can't drive, I thought I could give you two rides," I said lifting her up into my arms. She tangled her arms around my neck and said, "Really!" I nodded and smiled at her.

Then I heard Kaylee's voice say, "Thank God. You are a lifesaver! I would have ran out of time, and would of had to call two cabs or something,"

I turned and saw Kaylee coming in from the kitchen on her crutches. She was still a bit beaten up, but she looked amazing.

She slid a hairband off her wrist, and I watched, transfixed, as she tied her shiny, copper hair up into a bun.

She grabbed her bag off the ground by the stairs, and went right past us out the door. "Let's go!" she called.

I set a giggling Savannah down on the ground again, and followed her out to my car.

Now, I may be poor, but I had a sweet car. It was an old, bright yellow, Ford Mustang that I had fixed up from literally the dump.

Some idiot had totaled this beauty and had then sent it off to the dump.

I had paid the owner of the dump about fifty bucks for this hunk of metal, and whenever I had left over change I saved it up and put it towards fixing up my baby.

Bit by bit, I had changed that piece of metal into a masterpiece.

I couldn't help but smirk as I saw Kaylee gazing open mouthed at my baby. She slowly ran her hand over the top and then turned to me. "I thought you said you didn't have a lot of money," she breathed. I smiled, "This didn't come cheap, but I took a long time and fixed it up from a piece of junk."

Kaylee stared wide eyed at my car, then climbed into the passenger side. She sank into my leather seat and sighed. Yeah, those didn't come cheap.

I drove my baby from spring until the snow, then I drove my piece of shit truck during the winter. I bought that for about six-hundred dollars from a guy. The next day the engine gave out, but I couldn't find the guy.

The truck ended up costing me about  three-thousand dollars. Not my life's finest moment. 

I climbed in to the car, and pulled out of the driveway.

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