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We finally get to the field. It was huge! Seriously, it looked like it went on forever.  As I was captivated by the space. Jason spoke up. "So, do you play any sports?", he asked curiously.

I love sports! Too bad I already have too many expenses already with my music.."I don't actually, but I love sport". It'll get pretty awkward if I told him about the money thing. Ugh, life.

"Oh, how come you don't?", he says intrigued. Mate, really? You had to do that? Bro. I really don't wanna have this conversation.

"I don't why, I guess I just don't have time", yeah right. I have a plentiful amount of time on my hands, I'm a 'lazy ass'. Hahahaha.

He nods. Wow, that got awkward quick. can I fix that? Music, music fixes nearly everything.

I grab my phone and put it on shuffle, and the song that started playing really surprised me.

-"Bonkers" by Dizee Rascal and Armand Van Helden.

Hahahahah. Oh my god. This is so hilarious. I haven't heard this song in forever! I throw my phone down and start dancing like a 'party animal' that I am.

Jason laughs hysterically. I just chuckle with him and just started dancing towards him. He started nodding 'no' but I didn't listen to him and took his hand. I pulled him over and I guided him through some easy steps and he started to warm up to the idea. He started with the robot and then the sprinkler. Hahahaha. He 'is' a horrible dancer! Hahahahah.

I started applauding and he took my hand and in his and span me around. Good thing I'm wearing shorts. Hahahahah. I started to giggle and he spins me out and pulls me back in.

The song changed to..
-"Roses" by Zayn malik feat. Rixton.

And we started to slow dance, I held his neck with both of my hands and draped them over his shoulders as he held onto my waist. Wow this is nice. I really don't know what I'm doing but..Yolo! Haha.

I giggled and started to speak.."I don't really know what I'm doing, I'm not exactly a dancer" I looked down and smiles. He smiled back. "It's alright, you were doing good", thank the Lord! "Just keep in time with me and...(he looks down to my feet)...step, good, together, step, together, back, together, forward, got it!" He smiles. I wasn't watching my feet at all, I was watching how absolutely adorable he looked when he was trying to teach me. ;)

"Thanks" I smiled, God I know I must be full out blushing right now. I look down. "It's all good, your a good student" he said leaning in. Woah. "And your a great teacher.." I said leaning in.

This was it, my first kiss and it's been timed perfectly!! Until...Cameron.

:-:-:Cameron's P.O.V:-:-:

Jacob and I have become rather good friends, we've been talking and man, he is so gullible. I still can't believe how desperate he is to get with my sister. He's honestly so stupid. She's my own sister, and if the plan magically worked, some how, I wouldn't even let him lay a finger on my sister.

I know I did it to make her miserable and embarrass Jason, but I will and always protect my little sister. That's my job, I'm the older sibling, I should be there as a shoulder to cry on, the body guard, the nurse, the fault taker, the driver, the pranker, the puncher and every once and a while the 'Cash Machine'.

And I hope I'm all that my sister deserves. Woah, dude that took a sharp turn into something deep..


We get to the final stop, the field. It's pretty big. It's great! It's going to be Perfect for when I start football. I'm exited..but Waite...who's those two people leaning in? ......HOLY SHIT! ITS MY SISTER AND HER TOUR GUIDE?!

I start sprinting to her and stop right at their sides at the exact moment where their lips were just a millimetre away from each other's.

Great timing.

They stopped and turned their heads to look at me.

"So Mel, I got a call from Mum and she said she's into a new diet where you go completely vegan for a whole year! And eat nothing but leaves!! You gotta help me talk her out of it!!" I whined.

She grunted. "Fine!" She stormed away grabbing my arm. She turned her head and smiled to a confused Jason.

"WE'LL FINISH THAT LATER! BYE JASON" she yelled. And started sprinting, dragging me along like a flying kite. Ow, her grip was tightening. I better start running too, or else this trip will get even more awkward than it is.


We kept running until we suddenly stopped. She tightened her grip on my arm and turned to face me. "I know you were lying about Mum becoming a vegan, so why did you interrupt Jason and I? Huh? You know that was my first kiss? And you just ruined it!", she grunted.

Shit. She knows. Ugh, what do I tell her. I look to the side biting my lip. Not only because I'm trying to think but her grip is really starting to hurt..I mean Ow! How is she this strong??

Ugh, might aswell tell her the truth. "Well, my friend Jacob..(what am I doing?)...said he liked you and...(oh my god, I'm an idiot)....he said he was so angry because...(why am I saying this? I thought I was going to be honest?)...he likes you and...(I'm trying to do a nice thing here)...he was going to confront you but...(ugh, why isn't my mouth responding!)...I did it so it wouldn't be awkward for some random guy to pull you and a guy away from kissing and me just standing there".

Ugh, let's see if she bought that.

She raised her eye brow. "Really?" She asked, impatiently tapping her shoe.

"Yeah", few, I feel like I just had a ton of bricks on my back and now it's been lifted! Whew.

"Okay", with that she stormed off taking a deep and meaningful breath.

I nod. "I think she handled it well", I smiled. I walked away.

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