Chapter 10

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Adriana's POV

Its been a week. Trey and I have gotten closer. Aubrey and Trevor have been getting closer and they both really like each other.

My parents already left for their stupid business trip.

Aubrey and I are currently packing up our stuff bc we have to go stay at Justice's house.

I really don't want to go their but ig I don't really have a choice.

Justice's POV

Today is the day that Adriana and Aubrey start staying at our house. I have lots of stuff planned.

I am currently cleaning my room jamming to One Direction.

I haven't posted a singing video in a while so I decide to make a new singing video . I am singing One Directions new song 'Drag Me Down'. I sang it and posted it on Vine, Instagram, and Twitter.

I check my room making sure its completely clean.
Yep its clean. I checked the time it was '4:30' the girls are coming over at 6.

Adriana's POV

I check the time and it says 5:33. Justice's mom is post to come pick us up at 6.

I go to my closet pick out some black Nike pros, a black Nike hoddie and my roshes. We aren't gonna be doing anything so I thought why not dress comfy.

I grabbed my 2 duffle bags and my suit case and drag them out of my room down the steps. I open the front door and put all my shit out on the porch.

I hear a sudden thump I rush back into the house to see Aubrey at the bottom of the steps on her butt. I laugh helping her up then she laughs and we take her 3 bags out. We put them next to mine and went back in the house.

I ran into the house and grabbed my phone running back on the porch I then see a car pull up to my house. Im guessing that is Justice's mom.
She gets out of the car and walks up to us
"Hello you must be Adriana and Aubrey, I am Gena Justice's mom" she says with a bright smile on her face
"Yes we are" I said smiling back
"Okay well lets load your stuff into the car and get going".

We both help her put all of our stuff in her car then get in the back seat.
"Okay were here" Gena said looking back at us.

We got out of the car grabbed our bags, Gena grabbed some too. I opened the door walked in and looked back at Gena

"Umm.. Gena where are our rooms at" I asked her kinda shyly "Upstairs. Go all the way back and Adri your room is on the left and Aubrey your room is on the right"
"Okay thanks" I said smiling at her, she just nodded and smiled back .

Aubrey and I carried our bags up the stairs. I was walking until a door whipped open almost hitting my face then out came Justice. I quickly walked away to my room which happened to be right next to his. Aubrey and i separated to our rooms.

I open the door setting my bags down and examined the room It had cream walls with maroon colored carpet a king sized bed, walk in closet, a bathroom connected to my room.

I started to unpack everything which took about an hour. I was just about to walk out of my door when it was whipped open and I was almost hit in the face again.

It was that boy who I seen when I was here last time.

" "Hello I'm Mario Justice's brother and this is Princeton" he said pointing to the little boy standing behind him
"Hi im Adriana" I said
"Well I just wanted to introduce myself ill leave you alone for now" he said.
"Okay bye" I said waving bye to Mario.
And with that he left but the little boy stayed.

"Hi" I said smiling
"Hi im Princeton" he said and smiled back
"Your really pretty" he said shyly
"Aw thanks" I said squatting down a little to hug him
"Do you wanna come play with me" he asked
"Sure" I said. I loved kids
"Okay common lets go to my room" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to what im guessing was his room
"DO YOU WANNA PLAY HIDE N GO SEEK" he excitedly screamed "YASS" I yelled laughing
"Okay ill go ask Justice and Mario if they wanna play" he said and walked out of his room to Justice's room.

I went to Aubrey's room and asked her if she wanted to play. She said yes bc she loves that game! and so do I

I weint to go find Princeton to tell him Aubrey was playing I went downstairs with Aubrey to see Justice, Mario, Princeton, and Gena all downstairs. We walked over to them
"Hey Princeton is it okay if Aubrey plays with us too" I asked Princeton
"Yes Mario and Justice are playing with us" he said pointing to them "Okay so you guys hide and Aubrey and I will come find yall" I said walking to the kitchen to count "OKAY" they all screamed and went to go hide.

Aubrey and I counted to 20 then screamed "READY OR NAH HERE WE COME" while laughing.

We decided to separate and go look in different places all over I went upstairs and herd giggling it sounded like it was coming from im guessing Gena's room.

I slowly and quietly walked to the room and opened the door I walked over to the closet and opened it and Justice and Princeton were in their
"I FOUND YOU" I SCREAMED then Princeton jumped out at me
"Can I have a piggy back ride plleeaassee" he asked
"Yes" I said squatting down to let him get on my back.

Once he got on my back I got up and walked out of the room and started galloping like a horse while laughing uncontrollably.

I walked into the kitchen with him on my back receiving a big smile from Gena.

For the rest of the day we all played hide n go seek

Sucky chapter yeah ik. I updated again bc Aubrey wouldn't stop bothering me to update again

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