Chapter 15

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Everyone go check out my friend swade9 she is a really good writer.

~×~× Adriana's POV ~×~×

I stepped on the scale in my bathroom it read '105'. I gasped.

I gained 7 pounds. I felt so fat. I just wont eat. And ill go to the gym and work it all of.

Okay im sure your wondering why do I care so much about how much I weigh. Well here is why. When I was about 12, or 13 I didn't eat alot, I just didn't eat alot. Well people at school started talking. So I started eating more. I gained about 30 pounds. I got a little bit hevier. People started making fun of me for being hevier. So I started starving myself again. Aubrey tried to get me to stop. I told her I stopped but I really didn't. Eventually my dad found out about me not eating, He told my step mom. She would make fun of me, torture me, tell me hurtful things. I started to believe them.

So yeah that's why. By now I had tears streaming down my face. Just thinking about that made me want to die. I walked out of the bathroom into my room grabbed my guitar and started singing any song that came to mind

Funny by Tori Kelly

Its so easy to lose all the meaning of who you are

What is your definition of a true super star

Is it beauty, is it money, is it power, is it fame

Are you in it for the glory. What's the purpose. What's the game

Everything you've ever wanted got you tied up in chains

Be careful how you play the game

Cause the same things that chose you are the same things that own you

The same thing that built you is the same thing that kills you

The same ones who phrase you are the same ones that hate you

Funny how it all goes round.

If you lose your soul you lose it all If you're at the top then brace for the fall Surrounded by faces with no one to call Funny how it all goes round.

I love Tori Kelly sm

I sang. I put my guitar down laying on my bed. I herd my door slowly open. I looked over to see Mario standing their in my doorway. "What's wrong" he said coming closer to me "Nothing I said" trying to act like I was fine "Im not stupid ya know" I laughed a little bit. "Im fine I promise" I said putting on a smile. With that he left.

I think I am going to go talk to Aubrey.

I got up off of bed walking out of my room to Aubrey's. Walking straight into her room. She looked up at me. Ig she could tell I was crying bc she got up off of her bed and pulled me in for a big hug.

"What's wrong" she said letting go "And don't tell me nothing bc I know for sure something is wrong" she said sassily (if thats even a word) "Iv- I've been lying to you" I said holding back my tears "Lying to me about what" "About eating" " Oh my" she said tears starting to form in her eyes. "When I told you I stopped I lied" I closed my eyes releasing the tears "When was the last time you starved yourself" she said looking me straight in the eyes "I haven't done it in a while."But ever since we've moved here I've been eating alot and today I got on the scale and I gained 7 pounds" I said my face burning from all the tears "Oh Adri it doesn't matter how much you weigh you are beautiful" "And if anyone says anything to you about your size I will beat the shit outta them" I laughed she always knows how to make me laugh. I hugged her "Thank you you always know how to cheer me up" "Np im always here" and with that i went to my room to take a nap. Allitihis crying made me tired.

°•°• Aubrey's POV °•°•

I can't believe she lied to me but I can't be all mad and ignore her. She needs me the most now. I just wish she could learn to love herself. It broke my heart to see her like that.

I had to do something I know she would be mad at me for doing but I have to do it. I had to tell Justice.

I walked out of my room to Justice's room but he wasn't in their. I walked down the steps and seen him in the movie room watching TV. I walked over to him "Hey can I talk to you about something" I asked "Sure" he said patting the spot next to him. I shook my head "No I need to talk to you in private" I said.

He got up following me up the steps to my room. And sat down on my bed. "Know I have to tell you something very serious and you cannot flip out either" I said hoping he wouldn't flip out. "And most importantly you CANNOT tell Adri I told you this" I said. "Okay" was all he said.

"Okay so a little while ago Adriana got made fun of at school for being 'To skinny' bc she didn't like to eat alot. So she decided to start eating more which she did. She ended up gaining like 30 pounds. People started making fun of her for being hevier. And she started starving herself again" I said to him with tears pouring down my face "Do-Does she still do it" he asked with a few tears going down his face "Yeah" "But I want you to help her, get her to continue to eat more, make her feel special and that what those people said wasn't true" "Okay ill try my best" he said getting up leaving my room.

Well I took care of that.

∆^∆^ Justice's POV ∆^∆^

(Judge my shapes. Idc I like them)

Aubrey said I had to help Adriana but how do I help her. Idk ig I'll just try my best. I don't know why she doesn't think she is pretty, because she is beautiful.

Idk how I feel about this chapter. Comment what you think about it. Ignore any mistakes I am tired AF. But I will stay up and write while listen to Shawn Mendes and listen to Justic's Vines 20x each BC music is life and its keeping me awake. I hate how Wattpad deletes all my fucking emojis like tf who told you you could delete them. I feel so emotionless without emojis. don't forget to pretty please with a Unicorn ans justice ontop to vote and comment.

Please don't get any ideas about selfharming please. You are all beautiful.





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