Star In The Night

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Snow White

"Push Regina! Go! Go!" Zelena said pushing her legs to the side, Regina screamed and dug her nails into my shoulder, ripping a hole in my dress. "Ahh!! NO!! Uhh!!!" She yelled and then gasped quickly, pushing again. "Beautiful! Okay honey, rest for a second." Zelena instructed, her legs were shaking from holding herself up so Robin lifted her onto her large bed, stacking pillows behind her. "Mm it's coming!" She wailed, both Robin and I grabbed her leg and pulled it back. "Snow!" She cried out, I turned my attention towards her and saw her holding her hand out, I grabbed it and allowed her to squeeze all of the blood out of it. "We're here. It's okay."

Robin lifted her head with his free hand and looked over in awe. "Haaaah!! Uh!!" Zelena squeezed her calves to get her attention. "Pant. The head is coming. Don't push it out. Just let it come." She said soothingly, Regina groaned and fell back on the mountain of pillows behind her, taking Robin's hand. "Good job my love! You're amazing!" He encouraged, she looked at him but it wasn't an angry expression, she looked scared. "Don't worry love! You're okay! So are the babies. Almost over! Her head is almost out!" He cheered, she just closed her eyes and continued panting.

"Head is out Regina! Two more big ones and your baby will be here!" Zelena said excitedly, a tear falling from her eye as she watched her niece come into the world. "AHHH!! WHAT IS THAT ZELENA!" She yelled, Robin cupped her neck and lifted her up, as she pushed, her face reddened and the elaborate makeup that the Queen normally wore was now running. "The shoulders, they want out. One more! Come on! Don't stop!" Zelena cheered, Regina finished pushing then took a quick breath and kept going. "BAHAHA! UHHHH IT HURTS!" She screamed, obviously feeling the biggest part of the baby slide out of her. "Regina look! Look down!" Zelena instructed, holding the first half of the baby up for her to see, I half laughed half cried when I saw her. "Oh my god." She moaned, I lowered her leg and moved Regina's hands down. "Pull." I said, linking her hands around the infant's under arms. She gasped in relief and pulled the baby to her chest. Zelena grabbed her and started clearing her airways then wrapped her in a white blanket. "Snow do you want to cut her cord?" Regina asked, I nodded and took the scissors, separating her from her baby. "Do you want to hold her Regina?" Zelena asked holding her baby up. "Do you have to ask?"


I felt Snow take my hands and lead them down to my baby's body, the intense pain kept building up inside of me and I knew all I had to do was pull. I pushed then yanked the small infant from my body, a wall of relief hitting me. She was here.

"Do you want to hold her?" My sister asked holding her up to me, I reached my arms out and smiled. "Do you need to ask?" I said carefully taking her into my arms. "She's absolutely perfect." I murmured, she had her father's eyes, sea blue, but the rest of her features I could attribute to myself. Robin moved beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, staring down at our daughter. I reached up and kissed him, our salty tears running down our faces. "We created her, she's ours, and she's beautiful." Robin said to me, rubbing her tiny hand.

"Regina she's beautiful." Snow said taking her camera out, the only technological thing that survived the curse, and snapped a picture of her. "Thank you Snow, you really helped me today, I couldn't have gotten her here without you." I felt tears coming on so I smiled and returned my gaze to my daughter. "Good job my darling!" Robin whispered into my ear, I smiled and laid back into him, resting my head on his shoulder. "What are we going to name her?" He questioned, I sat up and started rocking her gently. "Well what about- AH! OW! MHM! ROBIN! Grab her!" I gasped, he grabbed our baby and walked over to Snow. "Can you hold her please?" He asked flustered, she was crying at my sudden movements, Snow took her and tried calming her down. "I know you want your mama, but you're going to spend some time with me!" She said walking her over to the crib that Zelena made appear.

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