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"NO! YOU BEAST OF A MAN!" I screamed, lunging towards him, holding him up against the wall by his throat, I saw Regina gather Elizabeth into her arms and sob, the sight pained me which just made me squeeze tighter. "WHERE IS ZELENA AND WHY DID YOU DO THIS YOU SICK BASTARD!" I snarled, digging my nails into his jugular. "Oh Zelena, she's out on the path somewhere, probably bleeding to death right now, but oh! Details details! Now what I am going to do is take the power from your poor little Elizabeth and use the power that she possessed and use it to make Ms. Swan join forces with me, you see, she's not dark enough for my liking, and I need her help." He shrilled, I looked at him and saw a locket around his neck, I pulled it off and watched him weaken. "GIVE THAT BACK!" He screamed, but I was able to restrain the evil imp. He was powerless.

"GUARDS! TAKE HIM TO THE DUNGEON! I WANT TWENTY FOUR SEVEN WATCH ON HIM AND PREPARE HIM FOR THE TORTURE CHAMBER, I DON'T WANT HIM DEAD. JUST FOR HIM TO SUFFER DEARLY." I yelled, flinging him into their grip, he thrashed screamed as they carried him away from the chambers.

I ran to Regina who was sobbing in Snow's arms, her whole body shaking from her heartache. "He took our b-b-baby! It's my fault! I handed her right over to him! I should have known!" She wailed, hugging our limp daughter up to her chest, kissing her repeatedly, trying desperately to wake her up. I cupped her face and then embraced her, pressing her face against my chest. "This is not your fault Regina, do not say that ever! It's that horrible man's with his dark soul! I promise you he will pay, but this is not your fault! You brought her into this world, don't you dare think that you were responsible for taking her out of it! You did nothing wrong!" I said crying as well, she gulped back some air and nodded, bringing our baby up against her shoulder. I kissed our baby and lifted her out of her shaking arms. "Goodbye Elizabeth, mama loved you very much." She said moving the blanket away from her face, kissing her in my arms. My heart shattered as she leaned back into the pillows, placing her face in her hands. I pulled Snow away and placed Elizabeth in the arms of the castle's nurse.

"Snow. I need you to stay with her and take care of our baby, I don't know how much Regina is up to taking care of an infant right now, please?" She nodded and then hugged me, her tears wetting my cloak. "I'm so sorry Robin." She whispered, I just shook my head and wiped my tears away. "I'm going to find her sister. Please keep my family safe, and don't let the boys in yet. I need to talk to them first. I will when I return." She nodded and walked me to the door, quietly shutting it behind me.

Snow White

I quietly walked over to Regina and sat in the chair beside her.

"Want to talk?" I asked cautiously.


"Want to be alone?" I tried again, gathering my skirt together in my hand.

"Nope." She whimpered, reaching her hand out to me, I nodded and sat next to her on the large bed, she sat perfectly still on the bed, I crossed my legs and set my hands on my knees, waiting for her to break down and incinerate something. But instead I felt her gently take my hand, the top of mine wetting with her silent tears. I looked up at her and she broke, my stepmother shattered, tears spilling down her face. I gave in and wrapped my arms around the woman who was once so stone hearted, now completely vulnerable.

"I know, I'm so sorry." I tried my best to console her but nothing can ever take this pain away, the heartbreak of losing your child.


We waited in the chambers outside of my mother's, her wails filling the room, I winced every time she cried out, covering Roland's ears. My grandpa and Belle sat with us anxiously, waiting for Robin to come out and give us the good news.

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