My Perfect Life

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(The new story that you have all be waiting for is finally here! Woohoo! I can't wait to write this one! So many ideas so little time!)

Willow's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and smiled. I had opened my eyes to the best thing in the world. My husband, Stampy. His hair was in his face as usual, i was always telling him to cut it, and his breathing was low and steady. I leaned over and kissed him, his blue eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning gorgeous." He told me. I laughed and slowly sat up, putting my hand on my pregnant belly. We have been married for ten years and Stampy had gotten me pregnant. It was a joyous thing this time though. Unlike last time, where I had been raped. But it turned out for the better, because now I have my ever growing handsome eleven year old son Harper. He slept across the hall in our new house. That's right. I moved out of Jake's house and moved in with Stampy. Then once I got pregnant, we moved to yet another house that had four bedrooms. One for Stampy and I, one for Harper, one for the new baby, and one for Jake because he came and slept over so much, he practically lives here. He wasn't over today though. He was out with Amy getting coffee. They hung out a lot more for the last ten years since Jake broke up with Melanie. They were actually dating. And Amy was fabulous, so I approved of this relationship. Anyway, I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen where I was surprised to see Harper already up and awake, eating cereal.

"Morning Mom!" He said.

"Good morning Harper." I said, making my mom inspection. Clean clothes, combed hair, brushed teeth, tied shoes, all of that. All in check. Had Harper gone nuts? Usually I'd have to wake him up and make sure he did all those things. But now he was doing them himself? What was happening. I watched as he got up, grabbed his backpack, kissed me goodbye on the cheek, and then left for the bus. So weird. But at least I got to sit and have my coffee. Then I felt arms snake around me and engulf me in a hug and kiss me on my other cheek. I laughed and turned my head to give my Stampy Cat a kiss on the lips.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asked.

"Everyday." I told him, sending him upstairs to record. He had to record his videos upstairs while I recorded mine downstairs. Now that Harper was old enough to take care of himself, I recorded more videos and so did Stampy. Even Harper had a channel. He called himself Stampy's Son, whoch I found absolutely perfect. He even got the black cat skin like we predicted. I recorded my video, then sat down to watch Doctor Who. It was my favourite show ever and I must have seen it more that a few times. That's when the door opened and in came Squid, Tom, and Ash.

"Hey Willy! Mind if we hang out?" Squid asked. I laughed, the shushed them.

"It's fine but on two occasions. One, don't call me Willy, and two, quiet Stampy's recording." Then we all sat around and hung out. That's how awesome my life is

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