Harper's Birthday Party

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Harper became more and more close with HTT. He started calling him Dad and Stampy was, well, Stampy. I was slightly more concerned with this Veronica Dasher character. She seemed fishy. Stampy was concerned with Veeva Dash. People were commenting on his videos how they were seeing HTT I Stampy's videos. One day, on Harper's birthday, HTT called.
"Hey, I was wondering if I could bring Veronica with me to Harper's birthday party. She wanted me to ask." I decided that it was okay, seeing as I wanted to meet her. Then people began showing up. There was of course the MagicAnimalClub, and my in laws. There were also tons of Harper's friends, more little twelve year old boys running about. Ben and Bella toddled around, really excited to see all the people here. I laughed when I saw Bella run over to Amy with the AmyLee33 mermaid plushie that Harper gave her and Ben when he decided he grew put of them. I laughed again when I watched Ben beat Squid with the IBallisticSquid plushie. Then HTT came in and everything was quiet. Harper came over to see what was going on and smiled when he saw HTT.
"Dad!" He ran over and HTT caught him in his arms, giving him a huge hug.
"Hey Sport!" He said. Everyone went back to their conversations as I walked over. Then a young woman with black hair, tan skin, a white shirt with a red jacket and super short shorts came in. She looked around smiled.
"Hey Harper! Happy Birthday!" She said, bending over to be level with him. She had some pretty high high heels on for a twelve year old's birthday party. And her breasts seemed to just constantly jiggling I couldn't help but notice (I basically pictured Nicki Minaj). It was disgusting. I came over and held my hand for a handshake, feeling rather selfconcious with her dressed loke that while I looked like a vision of a housewife.
"Hi, you must be Veronica. I'm Willow, Harper's mother. Harper has told us so much about you." Veronica laughed.
"Hey girl! Harper has told me so much about you to! And pleass, call me Veeva! That's what everyone calls me!" Stampy heard that as he came over and shook her hand.
"Really? I have a friend named Veeva! I'm Joe by the way, Harper's stepfather. But you can call me Stampy." Veeva gasped, still smiling.
"Really? Then you must be Mr. Stampylongnose! I'm Veeva Dash!" Stampy gasped and laughed.
"Oh really? I never would have guessed! You don't seem like the gamer type." He said. She laughed again. HTT and I laughed a little too.
"I get around a bit." Veeva told us amd we all laughed. This was a great start to the party. Let's just hope that it stays that way.

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