Kidnapped Again!?

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I dropped the babies back at home and wrote Stsmpy a note letting him know I wa going to be out. Then I ran back to the school and went behind it. And there was Harper, all tied up with a gg and everything. He shouted into the gag, tears running down his face. I ran over and started to untie him, but then I watched as a sack flew over my head and lifted me off the ground. I tried to rip the sack open, but it didn't work. I felt muscle being dragged, then thrown into what felt like the back of a van. I heard Harper's sobs and felt around for him and rubbed his back through the sack. The van moved for a long time, then stopped. I felt the sack being lifted again and set on a chair where I sat. The HTT pulled the sack down a bit an tied my arms behind my back. I saw that Harper was also in a sack.

"Ryan!" I shouted, fighting against him as he tied my ankles to the legs of the chair. "Let Harper go!" HTT laughed as he began to do the same to Harper.

"Why would I let my family get away?" He asked. "I want to be with my son and his mother." I turned away from him.

"We are not family." I stated. HTT laughed, then came over and took my face I look at him.

"Oh yes we are bitch, whether you like it or not. Now shut the fuck up, or you'll be pregnant all over again. I know you love that, don't you?" I shook my head. I loved my children, but I don't need another one of HTT's babies in me. He slapped my face and left the room, leaving Harper and ion darkness. Harper began to cry. I sang to him.

Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

You'll be in my heart

No matter what they say

You'll be here in my heart, always

Why can't they understand the way we feel?

They just don't trust what they can't explain

I know we're different but deep inside us

We're not that different at all

And you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Don't listen to them

'Cause what do they know (what do they know)?

We need each other

To have, to hold.

They'll see in time

I know

When destiny calls you

You must be strong (you gotta be strong)

I may not be with you

But you've got to hold on

They'll see in time

I know

We'll show them together

'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

I'll be there from this day on,

Now and forever more

Oh, you'll be in my heart (you'll be here in my heart)

No matter what they say (I'll be with you)

You'll be here in my heart (I'll be there), always


I'll be with you

I'll be there for you always

Always and always

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

Just look over your shoulder

I'll be there always.

Harper's sobs quieted and I looked to him reassuringly as I dug through my pocket to see if I could find my pocket knife that Stsmpy had given me. When I finally found it, I looked to Harper as I cut my ropes.

"C'mon Harper. Let's blow this popsicle stand."

(How dare she says she wants to leave my Popsicles behind!)

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