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Stampy drove me over to the hospital, Harper in the backseat calling Jake on my phone. I breathed hard and fast. When we finally got to the hospital, the receptionist gave us a smile.

"how may I help you today?' she asked.

"My wife has gone into labor!" Stampy shouted. I was immediately rushed into a room while Stampy sent Harper to stay with Jake in the waiting room, who was calling everybody. Amy was already with him. She was always with Jake it seemed. I mean, I know they were dating and all, but still, did she ever go home? I'd seen her videos become days late! But, anyway, I sat on the bed, panting, gripping Stampy's hand until he yelled in pain. I'd gripped it so tight, it had turned purple. The doctor burst in and smiled.

"Ah! Nice you see you again Willow! How's little Harper?" I knew he was trying to distract me from the pain as the nurse gave me a shot and my lower area numbed. I smiled.

"He's not so little anymore. He's eleven years old now." I told the doctor. He laughed.

"Well I can't wait to see him! Now let's get the new baby out!" the doctor took his position. "ready Willow? Big push!" I pushed, and screamed, and out came the baby.

"It's a boy!" The doctor said. But I still felt like I was in labor. The doctor was confused, then handed the baby off to the nurse. "Hold up! There's another one!" Twins!? I pushed again, and out came the second baby. I fell back, exhausted. "Its a girl!" he said. they laid a blanket in my arms like they did with Harper, then did the same to Stampy, who was surprised. Then they lay my sweet little boy in his arms into the blue blanket. Then they lay my beautiful baby girl in my arms. I looked down at her with joy as I covered her up. She was perfect. Her and her brother.

"What are their names?" I looked in the open doorway and saw Harper, Jake, and Amy standing there. I could see Squaishy, Squid, Tom, Salem, and Ash behind them. I looked at Stampy. We were thinking the same thing.

"Bella..." he said.

"...and Ben." I finished. everyone awed and pictures were snapped, flashes blinding me. Everyone said that Bella looked like Stampy and everyone said that Ben looked like me. Harper just kind of stood out of the way. It was like he didn't want to see the babies. I whispered to Stampy,

"Go check on our son." He looked confused.

"Ben's right here." He said, pointing to Amy, who was tickling the baby. I shook my head.

"Not Ben. Harper. He looks down." Stampy looked at Harper, and said oh. then he walked over.

Harper's POV

I stood in the doorway while everyone cooed at the babies. I was looking at my reflection on mom's camera phone. Everyone said that I looked like her, but they had all been lying. I looked like Ryan. Like HitTheTarget. I was a rape baby and I looked like the raper. Then I felt an arm go around my shoulder and I looked up and saw Joe.

"Hey Joe." I sighed, putting away the phone. He looked worried.

"Hey Harper. What's up? Don't you want to meet your new brother and sister?" he asked. I shook my head.

"They're only stepsiblings. They're your kids. I'm HitTheTarget's kid. I even look like him. Everyone says I look like mom, but I don't! I hate him!  I wish he hadn't gotten near mom!" to my horror, I felt tears sting my eyes. Joe bent down to my level.

"Harper, let me tell you something. If your mother had never met Ryan, then she would have missed a perfectly wonderful eleven years." I shook my head.

"no she wouldn't have. She married you didn't she?" he shook his head.

"Not marrying me. Having you. Your mother gave up so many things because she loved you so much. She doesn't care that you're HTT's son. and yes, you do look a little like him, but that's only because you're a boy growing up into a man. and men tend to look like their father. But just because Ryan put his sperm in your mother, does not make him your father. A father is a person who loves their boy and stays by him the entire way." I hugged Joe.

"Thanks Dad. I needed that." I said. Then we went to see the babies.

Willow's POV

I watched as Harper and Stampy came over and I showed Ben and Bella to Harper. I had them both in my arms while the others chatted. Harper's face glowed with happiness. The others stopped talking and watched.

"Can I hold them?" he asked, sounding like a little kid. I nodded, then Stampy led him over to a chair.  I handed each baby to Stampy and Squaishy and they lay each of them in Harper's arms. I could see them kicking threw their blankets and Harper laughed. everyone smiled and Jake snapped another picture. That was actually Jake's new job. He was a photographer. He had always liked to take pictures and we had boxes upon boxes of old scrapbooks that he made. He had given a lot of them to me, creating a special one just for us moving to England. But this picture was for my album. When Harper was born, Jake took tons of pictures. I had two and half scrapbooks filled with pictures of Harper. Now we had the twins albums to create. Harper looked up at me and smiled.

"Well? What do you think? Did I do good at making you a brother?" I joked. Harper had told me once as a joke that if he didn't get a brother when the baby was born, he would run away. he nodded.

"He's perfect. they both are. and they both look like the two of you!" He said.

(Twins! Twins! Oh My Gods TWINS! Who would have guessed? JK. Thank you to Babyblosome for giving me these awesome names! I love them!)

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